Is there any more hope for my future?

Ex Fiancée of 8 years broke up with me because she wants to give up on the relationship and be single, maybe for the rest of her life. She wants to find herself and her identity again, and she mentioned that I had not made her feel appreciated and cherished and that we did not click. And also she does not know if what she felt for me was love or just a sense of security and comfort.

We cancelled all our wedding arrangements , despite every part of my heart and soul aches and begged me to ask her to give it one last chance.

Recently I messaged her and told her that I wished I could have done more to make her feel loved and appreciated, cherished and important to me. That I wished we could have tried out couples therapy before deciding to break things off one month before the wedding. That I am still in love with her and i will win her heart back and i would like ask her to be my girlfriend again in 10 years time when we are way older. (We aren’t young anymore either)

She initially replied me “not to let my life revolve around her. To live life to its fullest and to find myself again. Opening my heart to new possibilities.”

She then secretly changed the message as she thought I had not read it yet.

It now said: “whatever it is, it is important we live our lives to the fullest. Find ourselves and open out hearts to many possibilities”

Does it mean there is a chance for me to get back together with my ex who I thought would be my first and last soulmate?
Is there any more hope for my future?
3 Opinion