What's my girlfriend is thinking?

Hello everyone!

I'm currently in the state of anxiousness and for 6 years I haven't visited this site because I handled our relationship well.

But this time I need help. We've been together for almost 7 years now and recently she's been posting her Cryptic My Day and I know something is up. Here are the example.

"Time had been so fast. Things went smoothly but then turbulence came in. Unanswered questions and doubts are about to invade my thought but I will let them. Without anger but pleasing welcome"

"I should let them know those things will be answered in the right time. Doubts may add conflict with my positivity but its normal to instate and realize it with good conviction."

"Tolerating love but keep asking your worth, how to handle that?"

"How to trust someone when you knew they're having a hard time trusting you?"

"I want to move forward but something pulling me back. Should I release the heaviness or be more patient?"

"So Weird, when you have a wide perspective about people's different personalities but you can't understand yourself. Why?"

These are the exact sequence of her latest My Day. I feel hurt coz I know there is something wrong and I want to talk to her, but we don't have the opportunity to have quality talk.

Can you give me some advice on this? I really want to be with her and don't want to lose her.
Thank you in advance for all the help.
What's my girlfriend is thinking?
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