Does anyone else think love is fake?

Even though I'm still a teen, my parents keep saying things about my "future husband" and "future children", but ngl, I'm disgusted by the concept of love. I don't love my family and friends. I like them and I'm just used to them. But actual love just seems so fake and gross. Like how can u live your whole life with the same person. Is It okay that I think this cuz my parents look so disappointed when I say things like this and say that someone will come that I will love one day, but I don't think so. Like I do look at some guys and think that they look good, but I don't love them. Oh and I had a boyfriend once but I didn't actually really like him, it was just sorta to see what it's like, and it was so annoying, I hated the experience. So yeah, does anyone else think this too?
Does anyone else think love is fake?
Does anyone else think love is fake?
44 Opinion