Is it possible to get out of the friendzone?

A friend of mine told my crush that I like him a couple of months ago. She thought she will be doing a really good thing although at the time I was not interested in pursuing anything with him. I told him that I had no intentions to follow up on this crush and that I did not ask my friend to intervene. He said he is comfortable with us beeing friends and that he likes it the way it is. He also has a lot of projects in front of him that require his whole attention. I don't even think he is looking for a girlfriend. I am sure though that physical atttaction is not the problem. I think he does find me attractive, at least a little bit. For a while we did not see each other because of outer circumstances but lately he reached out to me. We have ongoing conversations on the phone now and he has been opening up about his inner life quite a bit. He trusts me and talks to me about his problems and worries. I am a good listener and I like to be there for people I care about and also I feel I understand him really well. Do you think, that a guy can develop feelings of romantic attraction also based on that comforting and supportive connection? I like it the way it is now and I don't mind if it stays like this and my crush feelings are also not so strong anymore. But on the other hand it would be nice... What are your experiences with female friends? Did you develeop feelings based on a caring supportive nature?
I developed feelings for a girl after she had been my friend for a while.
If a girl is my friend I usually do not consider her girlfriend material.
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Is it possible to get out of the friendzone?
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