I'm hoping that people are not so shallow as to think that hooking up is more worthwhile than having a meaningful, loving relationship with another human. There IS more to a relationship than just sex, in case no one knows this. Sometimes an embrace is more soulful than sex as well. In my case--I have known many people who have gone and are still going out with others just for sex. If you want love, then don't put some much emphasis on that part of the relationship. It makes me wonder how we got to this point--or whether we've always been this way and its just more apparent now.
14 Reply- +1 y
I think all the emphasis on people in relationships being disposable and you only live once and get all the getting is good etc. is to blame for the loss of meaningful relationships between two human beings. The two years enforced isolation certainly didn’t help the concept of two human beings coming together in the same space for romantic purposes. I believe it is part of the frequently stated goal of the worlds elite to depopulate.
- +1 y
@Sixgunsound The 2 years we had in quarantine or close to that--forced people to live with one another more. They are forced to work at home--cook together, spend more time talking together, etc. in other words the entire family began to possibly know more about the other members due to this.
If you mean that people find others disposable and only get what they want from them and dispose of them--that sounds very selfish to me. It seems that people have become shallow in regard to relationships with others. I think a lot of that has to do with technology. Speed dating, online chatting, dating sites, etc., have all taken away from what used to be learning about another person which takes time. It's sad. - +1 y
It’s all very “brave new world” lately.
- +1 y
Hookup culture, big pharma takeover, legalization of Soma (weed), mocking people in traditional relationships, selfishness is a virtue, no ability to leave the caste you are born into, etc.
Most Helpful Opinions
- +1 y
It depends on what the person values.
If they value meaning, fulfillment, love, intimacy, and connection, they will want a relationship.
If they want to chase instant gratification and adrenaline and the high of sex, then they may just want to hook up.
In short, it’s love versus sex.
Ideally, they should be together. But, some people like to keep them separate, or forget about love and just chase sex.
In the end, I think everyone needs love to feel fulfilled. Chasing sex in the absence of love is like trying fill an emotional void through substance use. Drugs can temporarily make someone feel good, but will they really bring true happiness and fulfillment? I view sex without love in a similar way.20 Reply
1.1K opinions shared on Relationships topic. I think it does. More accurately I think it would limit a high level of investment in a relationship.
It is not just sex that is wanted in a relationship but also satisfying the human need to be loved and to love (include care in that). Loving & caring and being loved and cared for are longer term than sex.
I was surprised when a guy told me recently, he just goes to a brothel as he feels the need to. Surprised in that he didn't hide it. Yes, it isn't free but it is time efficient and has a fixed cost.01 Reply
- +1 y
I really don't like hookup culture. The whole idea scares me. I'm a sentimental person and I really have to get to know the person on a deeper level before wanting to sleep with them. I don't want my heart getting hurt or catching something from someone I shouldn't have trusted.
I think hookup culture is a dangerous idea for so many reasons. It's the reason so many guys get falsely accused of rape now a days too. You really need to know you can trust a person before jumping into bed with them22 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
- +1 y
No. Because I've wanted a romantic relationship since I was 5. And that was before I even knew about sex. Romance is a lifetime goal for me. It's my entire purpose in life. It's what drives me. I couldn't care less about sex. I only want sex because I'm horny and my body tells me to want it.
321 Reply- +1 y
- +1 y
Wait- what? For which princesses did it not end well? Tell me.
- +1 y
Disney is actually what causes girls to have such high expectations. Because the romances in those movies were almost PERFECT! Lol.
(But that's okay. Because I have high expectations for myself as a Prince as well.) - +1 y
You only watched half of the movie? 🤣
Let me guess... ADD?
(It's totally okay. I'm not picking on you. I have ADD as well. ❤️) - +1 y
Aww. Thank you! ☺️🥰
- +1 y
Hmmm. Great question! Probably Cinderella. Or Belle.
... I guess Belle. I always loved her so much. - +1 y
Awww 😕
- +1 y
Lol. Me, too! 😊📖
- +1 y
It's okay. This is GAG, not Instant Messenger. Haha. We can't expect too much.
- +1 y
No way. Lol. 😄. You're a funny girl!!
- +1 y
Oh, Lord.
People would still want intimacy and companionship. Also, marriage, children, and knowing you won't be completely alone when you get older.
But a lot of people don't think about these things when they're young. Particularly for guys, usually the first thing on their mind is that they're horny. Second, even if hookups are available, sometimes the women they are interested don't do hookups. So this cause guys (and sometimes girls) to enter into romantic relationships, when that's not really what they are looking for.
Realizing you have other needs beyond that comes with age and maturity.20 Reply- +1 y
modern hookup culture likely played a roll in the recent overturning on Roe v Wade in America. because a large amount of abortions happen due to causal sex encounters that neglect to use protection. more so then relationship partners not wanting children or abusive behavior. many people in exclusive relationships are likely to talk about if or when they desire to have children.
hookup culture also promotes the ability for many females to have sex on demand. because many males tend to be less picky when it comes to causal sex encounters. which causes many females to become entitled overtime thinking they can get any guy they want to be a relationship partner once their finally ready to settle down. but in reality many guys aren't likely to be in a long term relationship with a girl who's had double digit or more sexual partners. unless they themselves had done so or they are a simp / cuck. which leads to many females 30s+ being alone and/or pet parents who can't get many dates.00 Reply - +1 y
Nah. We already have hookup culture, but I know several hook ups that turned into actual relationships.
Some people won't seek out a partner, but they wouldn't have anyways. Others will seek out a partner, even if they got their sex fix elsewhere. And some won't even enjoy sex without first having that romantic bond.
Point is, everyone loves differently. What hook up culture provides to some, others won't care for.
There's always going to be romantics.10 Reply 4.1K opinions shared on Relationships topic. I think less people would seek romantic relationships but it wouldn't stop. It currently has a negative effect on people who try to transition from hook up culture to finding a romantic partner because they picked up a bunch of immature toxic habits/behavior.
10 Reply- +1 y
I think it will make people to stop seeking romantic relationships for a long time but after that people will eventually feel exhausted about this rush and try to find someone who make them feel they are someone that can be cared emotionally too. Humans are ungrateful if they are in romantic relationships they want hookups. And if they hook up, they seek romantic relationships. The grass is always greener on the other side and humans get bored easily.
00 Reply u
+1 yWe all have different needs. Some people need both the romantic and sexual aspects of life. Personally I’ve done both. I went a year and a half without a relationship and only hookups, and felt like I was deeply lacking something. And I’ve have sexless relationships, it wasn’t enough. So my needs are met with both romantic intimacy and sexual intimacy, not just one without the other.
00 Reply497 opinions shared on Relationships topic. Yes sure at least as a guy because hook-ups satisfy you sexually and through friendships and other ways you get your emotional satisfaction.
So if everybody could have the chance to get laid regularly I think the majority of guys would prefer that because other than women guys don´t develop a deep connection to there sexual partner.
I therefore think the hookup culture suits guys better than women.00 Reply- +1 y
The hook up culture doesn't work for women unless theyre in that mindset.
Generally women require a little more than just flick flick boom to get off.
Men in with this mindset tend to be very selfish sexually. There can be limited effort and unless he really wants to see her again he will enjoy that one time and move on.00 Reply 7.1K opinions shared on Relationships topic. No, because being in a healthy, loving relationship is way superior to doing hookups (for starters, you get more sex in a relationship). But almost anyone can get a hookup if they aren't picky about who they have sex with.
20 ReplyLots of meaningless sex with randos, litterally giving away the most intimate part of yourself to someone that neither matters nor cares about you.
Or, keeping your intimacy and dignity to high-esteem and only sharing with someone who you not only deem worthy but also important to you. Thus building a relationship and becoming one with another.
Which do you like better?00 Reply- +1 y
Not really, the same person over and over is far superior than a new person all the time. Plus for non-sexual things, hookup people aren't great for... I don't really want to take a hookup person riding in the mountains or stuff like that.
20 Reply - +1 y
The nice thing is life is a variety and everyone is different so some match up in what they are looking for. That is what helps make life interesting.
10 Reply - +1 y
I'd still search for that special connection with someone nevertheless. So what if they invent ultrarealistic sex bots or I could get laid whenever I'd want! Physical touch won't keep me satisfied forever.
10 Reply Absolutely not. Having just ended an almost 20 yr relationship, the best part was having a best friend as a lover.
There is some part of me that loves getting laid, but craves the intimacy of it being with a person you feel was meant to be a part of your life, even if not forever.10 Replyguys are slags the real slags arethem they go to the gals made them fuk naw they wana fuk guys and then guys wanna fuk them so guys wanan fuk so they jus care about pusss moist boys
10 ReplyNo i don't think so. There are people out there like me who would want to be intimate with one person for the rest of their lives
10 Reply- +1 y
Sure. People are horny and they don’t want the baggage. If it’s mutual and understood (and people kept safe with tests they openly share) I don’t see the problem for people to live like that.
00 Reply - +1 y
How are people defining hookup culture?
Actual research shows that teen sex, casual sex overall, abortion rates have all steadily declined since the turn of the century.00 Reply - +1 y
Hookup Culture has always been here.
Only difference in relationships / marriages and hookups is about 6 months.
These relationships / marriages are longer term "hookups" that rarely last more than a year.10 Reply 5.5K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Some might. I don't see the point in sex without love.
310 Reply- +1 y
To spread your dna
- +1 y
Whats the point of living then
- +1 y
there's no other meaning
- +1 y
Ok whats the meaning to you
- +1 y
Because your meaning is 100% ridiculous. Seeds doesn't find its way into a single pot. It spreads
- +1 y
Absolutely not. I love sex but I’ve never had it with someone I didn’t have deep feelings for which is probably why I’ve only had two sexual partners my whole life. I can’t imagine sharing my body with a man who I don’t know from Adam
10 Reply - +1 y
I feel like it depends on the person but personally I would want a partner as I sometimes get exhausted from sex cuz of my job
00 Reply - +1 y
I don’t think so. I think there’s still a good number of people who want a life partner and a family.
00 Reply - +1 y
Almost all women can get laid. At least 1/3rd of the men cannot. And, about half don't because even men have standards.
00 Reply - +1 y
There will be a time in their life where they just get tired of it.
10 Reply 1.9K opinions shared on Relationships topic. No, because there will always be decent people in this world.
10 Reply- +1 y
At this point, I am all for the hook up culture and the variety it promises in our sex partners. I dunno what my opinion would be tomorrow.
00 Reply - +1 y
Perhaps a few but some will still want an emotional connection
00 Reply No. Casual sex will never be as fulfilling as having sex with someone you love. That's a fundmentally different experience.
00 Reply- +1 y
No, everyone wants someone to love. It's more than just sex.
Ever hooked up with someone? It's like a hotel room. It make be nicely kept and all, but it doesn't feel like your own house.00 Reply Not really. Love and sex are 2 different things. You may be beautiful enough to sexually attract dozens of guys, but your heart will flutter for only one.
00 Reply617 opinions shared on Relationships topic. To me, sex and romance are the same thing. I do not have sex with a woman if I do not have romantic feelings for her. I'm poly-amorous, so I develop romantic feelings if we have a connection.
00 Reply- +1 y
I guess people will eventually get tired and bored of hookups and will finally settle for someone for eternity. Mostly young people go after hookups until they become responsible and smart.
00 Reply 821 opinions shared on Relationships topic. no because once you grow up you know is not all about sex
20 Reply1.5K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Wait. . . sine when does the hookup culture promise that everyone can get laid?
00 Reply- +1 y
its already happening tons of men are opting out
cause they realized
women are just prostitutes looking to suck out their resources
its all over the internet039 Reply- +1 y
And random people on the internet are always such a reliable source of information...
- +1 y
you are making an assumption that I am speaking of only certain WOMEN lol
its the girl working a 9 to 5 job that is a prostitute
its the girl in HS that is the prostitute
its the random fat girl with few options that is the prostitute
this is not a certain females
its called the
- +1 y
MGTOW, redpill and black pill
you can youtube it
tons of men opting out - +1 y
I don't have consideration for any of those groups. You could literally put incels in the list, I have them in the same regard in levels of delusion.
Literally all of them are excuses. Easy ways out. Blaming literally anything of the opposite gender while having zero self awareness. The true red pill is when those guys realize that the issue is not something they don't have... The issue is who they are. That's the truth. And all those groups run from that full speed. - +1 y
word cause I have had sex a lot
and I still agree with some of what they say
so what you say has no value,
not just that
but you cannot prove your words
so you are the idiot
so you are a WASTE of space and life
good luck with that - +1 y
I never said that everything single thing they say is wrong. Even a broken clock is right two times a day. But their basic ideas are based in pseudoscience and bias observation. Nothing more. And I can prove that to be wrong. Pick a topic, give their perspective and watch me do it.
- +1 y
which one of the 3 brings in the most women
lets see if you can figure it out - +1 y
u boys like u are the slags that make a girl fuk u under the influence and beg girls for sex thn when they wana fucl more u call dat a slag?
Fam ur a slag making boi u make them and F THEM UR DIRTYY AS UR MOMAA WHO RAISED A little EGOISTIC little BOI PLAY WOD YA MOMS USED PUSSY SHE GEYS SHAGGED BY 10 man like u shag gals like ur a manslutt - +1 y
Looks are just your introduction card. Unless the girl in question just wants sex, good looks only take you so far.
Regarding the other two points while they can impress, they impress gold diggers more than anything. - +1 y
yeah the majority of women are gold diggers
and thats the truth
we live in a world full of prostitutes
just accept it
its all over the internet
girls in college sell themselves online for money
which means the girls in HS were prostitutes the whole time
ever wonder why they didn't like a lot of guys in HS
cause they had nothing to offer in TERMS OF STUFF
hugh hefner
dan bilzarian
and many more
prove my case - +1 y
And where is your proof of this "yeah the majority of women are gold diggers".
Only fans? Cam girls? Do you have any idea what an absolute insignificant portion of women those represent? - +1 y
Those guys have many girls sure. Like I said, gold diggers. As in admitted by Dan himself he felt lonely. Because all those girls really liked him very much I am sure.
- +1 y
dating is prostitution \
do you not understand
when a man and women date
she is seeing what the guy has to offer
women are so entitled
thats why I say
give them nothing and take from them everything - +1 y
What? Dating is prostitution?
Prostitutes are doing their job. They will say yes and they know what they are there to do. Aka just sex.
In dating not only they can say no you are there for more than just sex. You are looking for a relationship. And they are definitely not there because it's their job.
Finally if you are on a date, assuming you are looking for a relationship, and you don't see what the girl in front of you has to offer besides sex, that is on you. That is a you problem.
If you genuinely believe that the girl in front of you just wants you money then look for another one. Most won't be looking for that. According ti the bureau of labor statistics since last December women make up the majority of the workforce. They don't need or want us for money anymore. - +1 y
you are making the assumption girls care about men
it doesn't just have to be money
women do not give two craps about who the guy is as a person
look it up - +1 y
I have and scientifically you are wrong.
Studies were made and women are more likely to marry out of love than we are.
Another one had men and women rate the opposite gender from 1-10 based on pictures alone. Then they got to meet the people they met. What happened? Women's ratings changed a lot! For better and worse after they got to talk with each man. Men's rating of women stayed nearly the same.
This is why I don't like the red pill and mgtow. Their base idea is exactly what you said. That women don't care about us. Reality doesn't agree.
Those groups are just a trap for lost men and make them even more lost. - +1 y
But let me be clear women are not better than we are. They can be as horrible as us.
And notice that you are literally making a false assumption "that women don't care about men" based on what? Like I said at the start of this conversation pseudoscience and bias observation.
Don't let them get to you. Women are just humans like us. They are very different individuals. They all have their personalities. They have qualities and flaws, just like us.
Getting to know them is part of the fun of dating. Don't go in assuming the person in front of you is one dimensional like the red pill says. You are both humans on a date to know each other. And who you are will get way further with her than what you have. - +1 y
wow you are blue pilled out the ass
here if you have a girlfriend or wife at home
I want you to ask her this simple question
if she starts saying stuff
like this
it means its ALL ABOUT HER
and not about you
not that she actually likes you
( - +1 y
Not even when faced with scientific studies you can open your eyes? I wish you could at least put the possibility that you were the one that had false information feed to you. That what was told to you about women is a complete lie.
I have a wife and I have asked her that. All her answers were regarding my personality.
Another fun thing... She makes more money than me. Always has. - +1 y
sorry my GOD does not lie - +1 y
Your God?
Who is your God?
The christian God? I don't know of a single bible passage that says all women want from us is money. But regardless I am agnostic. There is not a single piece of evidence that God exists.
If your God is the red pill or whatever that is even worse. Because you are worshipping a bunch of non scientific nonsense made up purely from the bias views of losers. - +1 y
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmBYV4kxS4w - +1 y
I have been talking with someone that actually believes in the dome?
Well you are a red pill believing nonsense is your thing. - +1 y
this is the world you live in
you either accept it or deny it and live in delusion
skjalden.com/.../yggdrasil-norse-mythology.jpg - +1 y
You are lost my friend.
- +1 y
you can't even prove the world you live in
prove outer space exist?
you can't
you have never been there lol
you are lost - +1 y
I can. Humans have been to space.
Yet you have nothing to prove your dome. - +1 y
its literally on video we sent rockets to check lol
and no they faked space
anyone can do it with a green screen and a few hundred bucks
people have literally done it on youtube - +1 y
Just because it's possible to make CGI movies doesn't mean that the images that we have of space are CGI.
We have space tourism happening today. So we have been sending people up there and yes, we live on a globe. - +1 y
you mean the fake space tourism they talked about online lol
why don't you go
buy a ticket - +1 y
The only thing changing on those images are the clouds and the angles from which the picture is taken. Simple.
Also NASA has said that they photoshop the imagens a bit to make it possible to understand. Is like putting a color more bright so that you can see that object better. But it doesn't change the object. - +1 y
if outer space was real we would not see the same stars - +1 y
What does one thing has to do with the other? - +1 y
the earth is supposedly moving at 66,000 mph through space
WE ARE NOT JUST SITTING staying in one spot
have you not done the research
and we are supposedly moving at like 1 million miles per hour
it does not make sense
we would see different stars if that was the case - +1 y
We do see them more or less intensely depend on the time of the year. The sun is the greatest example of that.
Of course we still see them. Further away, but we still see them. Because even if we are traveling fast we are going around in a elipse. So we will always be able to see the same stars. - +1 y
men are also pornstars they also gay they also shag slags so take about boys who are in a mans body 😂
Bro not all women are golddiggers MEN ARE SUPPOse to FINANCIALLY SUPPORT IF U can't UR A BOY GET ON UR DUMMY
Ya Dad took care of u did he say ur moms a slag or a gold digger
Them boys are slags shaggin gals that are “horny” u mqde them that way cuz really GIYS BEEGG GIRLS FOR SEX
SO FIX UR DAFt immature undeveloped liittle hollow shallow brain ahh
Keep ur balls blue u manslag
- +1 y
Women can and do get laid as often as " hookup" culture promise.
01 Reply 2.4K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Well it would certainly beat sitting here on my aging ass being single 🤷♂️
00 ReplyTo me romance is important. I don't like loveless sex just for sake of bodily pleasure.
00 Reply570 opinions shared on Relationships topic. Friends with benifits often may lead to relationships.
00 ReplyWe won't have anyone in old age to rely on. thats why marrage is imp in long run.
00 Reply- +1 y
Nope cause everybody doesn't want to just get laid there's so much more to a relationship then the sexual part and I think people are forgetting that
00 Reply 571 opinions shared on Relationships topic. Nope, they would still keep looking for exclusive romantic relationships and to cheat in those.
00 Reply- +1 y
People already don't see the point in romantic relationships.
00 Reply - +1 y
Relationships are more than just sex. But people would get into them later in life.
00 Reply - +1 y
No because people always want connection
30 Reply 1.1K opinions shared on Relationships topic. No, I don't think so.
10 Reply- +1 y
Die Hard romantic I am.
00 Reply - +1 y
90 percent of folks would
00 Reply 3.9K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Nope
10 Reply357 opinions shared on Relationships topic. It's nice to feel loved
00 ReplyI literly can't have sex with out a connection
02 Reply- +1 y
Straight demisexual. That’s all it is.
To be perfectly honest, I seriously doubt that
00 Reply- +1 y
but killings would go down a lot less00 Reply It could be a possibility
00 ReplyNah, I'd still want a romantic relationship.
00 Reply- +1 y
I think so, yes
00 Reply - +1 y
Great question hun
00 Reply - +1 y
Yes maybe.
00 Reply - Show More (3)
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