Am I wrong for wanting him to end his relationship with his female best friend?

My boyfriend of 2 1/2 years has a female best friend who has a wife but she was previously married to a man. They have been friends for about 4 years. I have not had an issue with it until recently. They already work together all day long and then as soon as they get home, they Snapchat each other every single day all day long. We went out for my birthday lunch and he Snapchatted her during it which I felt was extremely rude. So she’s coming in between our alone time. I have seen them sit side by side arm to arm on a couch and play fight with one another. When I had my wisdom teeth recovery, he left me while I was sick to take her out one on one when he barely ever takes me out on dates. He had planned for them to go golfing and to a brewery. There was another time he said he got me my favorite food after he went out with her in a group setting but then said she ended up eating what he had to bring home for me. Her and her wife were also his DD one night and because he thought they may come into our home, he cleaned the entire house for her super spotless when he never even helps me clean. When I went bowling with them and other friends from his work, my boyfriend and her sat next to each other so I couldn’t even sit by him. She also will add heart emojis at the end of some of her texts to him which I find disrespectful. There was one of her even asking how his stomach was feeling and I feel like you wouldn’t be texting a man about a stomach ache unless you have some romantic feelings. I could understand if maybe he had Covid but this was just a stomach ache and I don’t even think I knew he had one at that time. Am I overreacting? I don’t feel like I’m being crazy/controlling. If I was, I would have made him give this friendship up a long time ago. I just feel like it has become way too inappropriate.
Am I wrong for wanting him to end his relationship with his female best friend?
Post Opinion