Toxic relationships what are the signs?

Can you relate to any of these, share your experiences to let everyone who is in this type of relationship that it isn't worth it.
I will go first...
I'll make this a summary because you can't go on for too long.
so basically I'm at this guy online and text me his girlfriend after 3 days we started talking he called me bad names like a b**** and a w**** I feel like 5 to 6 months in and I changed it with him I broke up with him or I try to break up with him once I can bring myself to do it cuz he was manipulating me and gaslighting me the whole process of me trying to get away from him and then finally I got away from him before I 12 month anniversary and I learned that his real flags are very toxic and he chose his drugs for me which was another flag where I can tell you the whole story I can tell you the whole story if you want me to email you or text you the whole entire stories really long so that's why I couldn't put here but his flag is very deadly and I want you guys to stay safe and learn from my mistakes it's like I said if you want to hear the story please let me know in the comments down below and hopefully you guys will share your summary of your stories with other people so they know the signs of toxic relationships cuz they're not good they're bad for people's mental health.
Toxic relationships what are the signs?
Toxic relationships what are the signs?
Toxic relationships what are the signs?
Toxic relationships what are the signs?
Toxic relationships what are the signs?
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