What would you do? Guys why's he being like this for an accident?

Me F (24) & boyfriend (25) have known each other since elementary but reunited in our twenties. We've been dating almost two years. Yesterday I told him I was working out and my phone died and it was charging (I have android so it doesn't automatically turn on) an after my home work out, I took a shower and turned on my phone and saw my boyfriend texted me a couple of times while my phone was charging, I was going to text him back and acknowledge it mentally, but realized it was close to the time he was coming bome and wanted to clean up really quick. It took a few minutes to clean and after finishing I by habit turned on my PS4 and got ready to game. I decided to stream and my boyfriend is subscribed also and can see when I go live. He texted me again saying fuck him then. I told him after my workout I showered and got sidetracked after cleaning an that I didn't mean to. He was upset still and keeps telling me I was ignoring him. He then stopped replying to ignore me.. So today I woke up early and to me its a New day.. so I tried to make his morning easy going and good. We kissed I joke and told him don't ignore me today and he said love you bye like usual. He usually text around 8 when he's less busy and usually has a lot of spare time so he's worried about me, a lot. When I saw he didn't text me on his usual time (he doesn't text first all the time also) I thought to myself he is still trying to ignore me. He didn't text me the whole day... even on his lunch. It hurt that he did it out of anger... especially not even two days I was telling him how hurt I was by my mom saying some mean things to me. I felt worthless, then alone... what should I do?
1 y
I let him use my car and he ignored me all day on Purpose and admitted because I ignored him
1 y
51 and narrow minded. It's a shame.
What would you do? Guys why's he being like this for an accident?
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