My ex boyfriend and I broke up today?

he wasn’t the best boyfriend, he followed a bunch of bikini girls, liked all their pictures, and DMed a bunch of them telling them they are pretty or beautiful or gorgeous. i hated it so the past two years i’ve complained to him about it and asked why he did it. theses past few months have been really bad. he’s been getting drunk with his friends and then call me and say the most horrific things to me. i’m sad about the break up but i’m also really relived that i don’t have to deal with him anymore. one thing that i’m now scared of is he has told me that our seggs life is boring. i asked him why and he said bc i’m too quiet, that i don’t do anything exciting. at the beginning of the relationship i could 100% agree on. he was my first seggs partner so i didn’t know anything. as the years gone by i thought i was doing better. i moan when we do have seggs, i’m not sure if i’m not loud enough I don't know but he didn’t tell me. all he said was i’m too quiet. he has said it many times that now im scared to have seggs with anyone else bc i don’t want them to tell me our seggs life is boring. and what makes it all worse is i’m 31 years young female and my time to have kids is getting shorter and i’m scared i won’t find anyone.
My ex boyfriend and I broke up today?
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