Is comfortable silence in a relationship good or bad?

*Relationship going on nine months* We're able to do free time/weekend activities and enjoy our time together without saying much or anything at all. My boyfriend doesn't talk much and neither do I but we always find ways to communicate our needs when necessary (able to resolve and make up after fights too). The only thing that bothers me sometimes is that everyday we don't really talk enough or have a full, deep conversation unless it's before bed or just after waking up in the morning. Throughout the day he might check on me and ask me how I'm doing (or vice versa), but most of the time I'm working or he's doing his own thing. I've asked him about his thoughts on this but he didn't think there was anything wrong with our "lack of communication" as I like to call it. He seems happy with where we're at currently, but I have my occasional doubts.

Is comfortable silence in a relationship good or bad?
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