I looked through this phone and found out a lot, I don't know what to do from here?



to give short context, my male best friend has been in love with me for years. He’s the most perfect guy but he is a major Fboy. Everyone says that he would drop his entire lifestyle for me if I were to be with him. I always put it off because I don’t wanna ruin our friendship. One day I drunkenly decided to tell him that I’m not opposed to the idea of me and him being together, but since we’re still in uni, I want him to finish all the fucking around, and when he’s ready I’m not against it but I’m not gonna wait for him to finish yet I am not looking actively for something else, but if something comes my way I’m not going to shut it down because you’re still live in the lifestyle you’re living. We spoke and he’s told me he loved me and all was well. I’ve always been treated by him differently in a good way. I have travelled for two months and came back recently to the city We both live in, but something was off. I was at his house once and he wasn’t there and his phone is in front of me and I know I shouldn’t have a look through it, but it might sound something told me to do it. I opened his dms and I found a bunch of girls that non of them gazed me. One did though, it was a girl that he would speak to the same way he would speak to me. I. e “my world”, that made me feel the worse type of pain I’ve felt in my life, I threw up when I first saw it. I know it was wrong to do it, and I shouldn’t have but that doesn’t change what I know now. I don’t know what to do, I can’t stand him

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Thank you for your responses. I have two options.

Since we are best friends he’s the closest person to me in the world.

It’s either I confront but say I found out through another source and not his phone

Or I play stupid and once I leave I cut off all contact.
I looked through this phone and found out a lot, I don't know what to do from here?
5 Opinion