Why did he say all this to me?


I’ve always really liked this guy I have worked with for 3 years. We have always had a flirty friendship but nothing ever happened. He had been single for the last year or so and I started to have feelings for him.

But then he got back together with his ex in January and they just got engaged!

I went to congratulate him and he was super happy and excited to tell me. I was a bit sad because of my secret feelings for him but I am actually happy for him too.

That day we had a big meeting at work and my boss poked fun at me for being the only one left at work who’s still single. Everyone else is either married or in a relationship.

I just laughed it off and he made some other jokes about me and how I must struggle to pay rent or even buy a house, have to do things on my own.. things like that. Everyone was laughing at me so I just laughed and poked fun at myself too and said I could have all those things but you don’t pay me enough.

Anywayyy…The same day I was out of the office for lunch and when I came back I bumped into my guy friend and he held the door open for me and asked to talk to me.

He said he felt really sorry for me during the meeting and I brushed it off and said oh I don’t care he says things like that to me all the time and I laughed. Trying to make light of the situation while I’m truly heartbroken inside crying.

He then said I think you’re a little soul and I really don’t understand why you’re single. I just don’t get it and shook his head. I said I’ve just not had much luck finding someone who wants me yet (still nervously laughing)

He said you must be going to the wrong places and that the guys in my home town must be blind because it makes no sense.

I joked and said well I don’t really leave the house these days (sadly true) and he laughed.

He then said I deserve someone nice and I said awe thanks so do you.

Then we just stared at each other for what felt like forever and he put his hand on my shoulder and walked away.

Why did he say all this to me?
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