He told my friends And I he'll marry me when we're both 40 on my birthday. Isn't he wrong?

Im just realizing that my now EX said he'll marry me on my Facebook live 3 years ago in front of my whole family plus it was my 24th birthday. They were all like, you two should get married. he said, "She's too crazy for me. Plus we're young. Maybe when we're 40. " in front of everybody. Im kind of embarrassed because he had been said he didn't want me, apparently. But he wants to have sex with me🤔isn't he wrong? I pay all of my bills on my own plus he never really helped me with my daughter. I had to Pay people to help me move and buy me food. I think it's time for me to get someone else. I let him treat me terrible for 4 year's. 😣
He told my friends And I he'll marry me when we're both 40 on my birthday. Isn't he wrong?
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