Why does my boyfriend make time for his friends but not me?

my boyfriend and i have been together for 9 years. we used to go out all the time, but now we don’t. i asked him why we don’t go out anymore. is it because you’re embarrassed of me? is it because you’re tired from work? is it because you value your friends more? he said no and that he’s sorry and that we will go out. yet we haven’t. i’m not saying to go out on a date every single day, weekend or anything, but a simple walk around the park that is across his house. go to the beach? he can’t go across the street to go with me to get breakfast and go back home to eat. yet he can wake up early to go out with his friends. it makes me sad. i stay because i have hope that he will change. i told him yesterday that he doesn’t love me, he’s only with me when he wants money, when he needs something or when he wants sex. he had nothing to say. i won’t forget there was a Saturday night and i called him asking why he’s with his friends and not hanging out with me? because we haven’t seen each other all week. i overheard him saying to his friend “i’m going to hangout with Julie because i feel bad for her” i hung up the phone. everytime we hangout it’s because he feels bad. i would leave him alone about it if he just told me that he wants to have a good time with his friends. yes it would hurt my feelings but i’ll leave him alone. i would go out with my friends but i really don’t have any. the friends i had all moved away or are really busy with their kids and husbands. the only person i can count on hanging out with is my sister. yet we don’t do much either lol. I don't know. anyway, why is it that he makes time with his friends more than me?
Why does my boyfriend make time for his friends but not me?
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