my childhood friend of 10 years dated my brother at 16. They didn’t ask how I felt about it and it ended shortly after it started. My friend stopped talking to me and started hanging out with new people the same year. It made me very depressed to see my friend and neighbor since I was 6 drop me without second thought for the rest of high school. Fast forward to 2023. I am now 23 and I have been friendly with my ex best friend for while. We have short conversations every now and then and I have forgiven her for high school. Recently, I found out suddenly the my brother and ex friend are dating again. Once again they didn’t care about how it would effect my life or feelings at all. I have not talked to my brother in weeks. Am I being selfish for not wanting to support or have anything to do with their relationship and new life together?
576 opinions shared on Relationships topic. Life is strange because there are many many times when we're really quiet we know the answer before the question if that makes sense
They're very well could be two answers to this question you already know the outcome or
Down deep you're pissed because your friend picks your brother over you and you already know the outcome
So there are a couple ways to do with it you can punish yourself by not being yourself and being in your brothers or your girlfriend's life all the things that you're missing all the things that you don't care or don't want to be a part of LOL because you know the outcome
Or stepping out of the picture and say this is a bigger moment than me there is a lesson here instead of making it about both of them make it about yourself who do you choose to be in life bigger than the both of them or underneath them and you take all the pain I think you should rise above and tell yourself it is what it is it happened how am I going to deal with it I'm going to be bigger and better than this I wish you both luck I will be your friends to a certain point but that's all I can be and go on living your life because whatever happens between the both of them is now between the both of them your journey already basically stopped or took a different path but now you get to prove who you are in this life you can either be angry every time that you see them together or with no judgment be happy for them because you would want to hope that they both succeed but you already know the outcome you don't have to say anything else except for be you this is your moment in time to grow it's your choice who you want to be in life by the things you say and do you can either let it affect you or take this opportunity to grow it's your choice you can only be hurt for so long and you can allow it to change your life or you can put the brakes on for a different direction and understand now you're in control of your life whichever path they take it's up to them but you be the bigger person sometimes we have to just take the pain and with that pain we gain knowledge and understanding of who we are because really this is what this is all about it's not about them this is about you and who you're going to become in life00 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
558 opinions shared on Relationships topic. No I think people show you their priorities with their actions. If they show you multiple times that they don't care about you you should distance yourself from them. Being around people like that just hurts you. My dad is a person like that and I don't talk to him at all.
10 Reply
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Why should we have to ask to date your sibling? Its not like its your ex that we’re trying to date. I’ve dealt with friend girls who would cockblock. What I had with their bro is none of their business as long as we’re treating one another right. None of them cared to explain why they were doing things with my exes before and after. Unlike them, I wasn't looking to get petty or have temporary fun. If I go for someone, its because I have a genuine interest in them
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What Girls & Guys Said
- 1 y
Yes you're definitely being selfish people have the right to live their life how they see fit and as far as her moving on and hanging out with. Other people it's unfortunate but people outgrow people all of the time. Have you ever tried talking to her about how you feel?
00 Reply Hey you should not think about too much about it, give yourself a break and it's a common thing that dating friends brother or sister, they do bcz they really knew... Andddd breakup patchup breakup it's a Cycles... u Just have to Don't think too much about it bcz their relationship is not ur responsibility & don't care about their relationship just care about people like ur brother or friend!
00 Reply7K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Selfish no but stupid if u think they would care enough to stop
10 Reply- 1 y
No one requires permission or blessing to date who they wish to date. This is purely in your own head.
00 Reply - 1 y
High school is not relevant to your adult life, people grow and change. And no, it's none of your business if your brother is banging your ex friend.
00 Reply - 1 y
Why are you so mad at them for dating?
00 Reply 7.1K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Yes you are
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