She wants to be a career woman with traditional benefits?

She wants to be a career woman with traditional benefits?

Me and my girlfriend have been together for around 9 months and got into a situation yesterday.

Me and my girlfriend want to eventually get married but there's one issue. My soon to be wife wants to have traditional benefits while being a modern woman.

Let me explain.. Early in our relationship my girl professed to me that she wants to be a stay at home wife. Since she told me that, I realized that we were compatible. I wanted to provide for her and pay the bills and utilities.

The problem arises here. Yesterday, my girlfriend then told me she wanted to be a corporate career woman. We had a conversation about it and I told her, she told me before that she wanted to be a wife instead.

The huge issue here is that, my girlfriend wants me to pay all the bills, groceries, etc while working a corporate job for 60 hours a week, and travel the world while I take care of the children.

The deal is that my money is her money

And her money is her money only.

I told her, if she gets a job she'll have to pay 50/50 and she got really upset with me.

My question is, am I wrong in this situation?

Yes, you're being taken advantage of
No, you're overreacting
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She wants to be a career woman with traditional benefits?
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