Should I reach out?

Ik ik but hear me out. It’s been almost two years since I’ve spoken to him. I literally can’t get him off my mind for long. And it’s not in a I think he secretly wants me to reach out way. It’s in a I don't know way. I don't know what I’m expecting or what may happen but I just want to talk to him. Be close in a way even if it is platonic. He was my first. And I want to move on with my dignity but I don't know why I can’t. I don’t want it or be a situation where I’m looming over someone that never reciprocated this though but I really want to try. I haven’t in like almost two years. I did at the very beginning but even that was like a couple months after our no contact biz. I don't know should I? It’s probably no. And I’m that by what do you think? What’s gonna make it go away if I don’t?
Should I reach out?
Post Opinion