What to do with boyfriend's rude female friend?


boyfriend used to have a crush on and made out with his female friend when they were 18 Once. A week after this, this said female friend started dating his best friend and they've been together since.

Ever since his female friend met me she's been rude to me. Acting uninterested when I talk to her, constantly trying to talk to my boyfriend and get his attention, organizing parties around the same time a party of mine is coming up, excluding me in hangouts, etc... I've spoken to my boyfriend about this and he completely understands and has minimized his interactions with her.

However, she is still his best friend's girlfriend and she lives with her boyfriend and I feel very uncomfortable whenever my boyfriend goes to visit his friend and she's there because I don't know what she does when I'm not around. From my understanding whenever my boyfriend would go there, him and her talk more than my boyfriend would talk to his best friend.

Right now she is having a party at her place next week and my boyfriend asked if I wanted to go or not. I personally don't want to go because, I believe that it's time to put a big boundary and my boyfriend needs to stop going to her parties or visit his best friend when she's home.

Do you guys think I'm being completely ridiculous? If yes, what would you do?

1 mo
I just want to add that boyfriend's friend group speaks another language that I don't understand. So even if I go to the party, they will start speaking their native language and I will sit there not understanding a word the whole time. boyfriend translates but at some point he will switch to his native language as well.
What to do with boyfriend's rude female friend?
9 Opinion