Boyfriend kissed another girl years ago when we were together and says he doesn’t regret it because he was a kid. That hurt me. What should I do?


We’ve been together on and off for almost 9 years we were 16 when we started dating.

We were talking about being drunk and losing inhibitions etc. when he said that when you’re drunk you don’t do things out of character you just lose inhibition and do things that you wanted to do deep inside. To which I brought up him kissing another girl when we’re around 18 and were in a relationship and how that means he wanted to kiss her and it was Intentionally done.

I agree, it was wrong of me to bring it up. This happened years ago and I forgave him for it.

But one thing led to another and he told me that he does not regret kissing her and we were kids and he had given me the option to stay or leave and I stayed so I don’t have much of a right to complain about it. He also said that it was one of those times when we broke up and got together again so we were only 1 month into the relationship (which just seems absurd to me honestly, we dated for 2 years before that break up and some more when we were kid. We have history together. How can you treat it as a brand new relationship)

He also said that if I feel bad about something that happened so long ago, it is my problem and something is wrong with me.

The fact that he feels absolutely no remorse and takes no responsibility for hurting me hurt me a lot. He feels no remorse because he told me about it and had given me the option to stay or leave and I stayed so the onus of my feelings is on me.

What would you do if you were in this situation?

Boyfriend kissed another girl years ago when we were together and says he doesn’t regret it because he was a kid. That hurt me. What should I do?
4 Opinion