What does it mean when every aspect of your relationship was controlled otherwise she would have a meltdown?

Like there was multiple things that happened she had to create the login name for our car insurance. When we would take holiday pictures she would try to tell me what to wear and would compulsively take pictures non stop even roping our dog into i eventually I got upset and left because it became compulsive cause it continued and continued. I am a big fan of AEW, various true crime series and documentary’s she would never watch any of these with me but would pressure me to watch her shows. When she would get upset she would create accusations saying you’re trying to get ideas from those shows aren’t you which I just thought this is insane because I’m in college for criminal justice. She would control what time we went to bed basically because she worked early and went to bed at 10pm the whole apartment myself and the dog also had to go to bed. When it came to dinners I often had to eat what she wanted otherwise it would be a meltdown because she would cook and use resources then say I cause her to waste all that food. I couldn’t develop favorites of food because she would just stop making it for example prior to the relationship I didn’t eat stir fry but I came to like it so she suddenly decided to stop making it and if I requested it at the store she would be ok your eating it alone and I’m eating something else. She would spontaneously rearrange furniture when I was at work without any communication I would come home and the apartment would look completely different. I couldn’t have a bad day on a day she wanted to do something for example we were both non drivers and we went to test for our drivers license well i failed and she passed. I was devastated cause her mom was driving multiple hours out of state every weekend to teach us and I felt I failed her on the return. There was a fair this day and I honestly didn’t feel like going anymore I just wanted to go home and collect myself well this wasn’t acceptable she had a meltdown claiming I’m a disappointment.

What does it mean when every aspect of your relationship was controlled otherwise she would have a meltdown?
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