23 d

Is it wrong that I got turned on by my friends looks of desire?

I m married me and my husband are countries a far right now. i never cheated nor will i ever wish too. but, yesterday i went out with for a celebration drink with my friend. we haven't seen each other in months and i haven't drunk in 6 months. i ordered just 2 shots bc i wanted to stay sober. but , the bartender kept pouring different kind of drink that we didn't ask for. i should have said no.

anyways i really like this guy friend bc it always felt like a non judgmental space between us and our relationship is so fun and inocent

but yesterday i noticed that he was checking my boobs out and I don't know his looks and the way he acted made it look like he desired me.

i had never felt this vibe off him before but I don't know it kind of turned me on to be desired ik it shouldn't but it did. Im pretty sure he meant no harm and this is a one time attraction and we will go back to being inocent friends

but i just never thought my mind would switch for a moment just bc i saw him checking me out over and over again

Is it wrong that I got turned on by my friends looks of desire?
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