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Polls: Relationships

Should I be worried my boyfriend doesn't ask me to hang out or buy me flowers?

My boyfriend (22) and I (18) have been together for a little over a month now, and it's going pretty well, he tells me he is ready to settle down which is a huge reassurance to me as he is not dating me just to date but...
My boyfriend (22) and I (18) have been together for a little over a month now, and it's going pretty well, he tells me he is ready to settle down which is a huge reassurance to me as Show More
Yes Girl TF
No you're overthinking
give it some time
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If a cheater got caught in an awful way (in the act), can trust really be regained?

I'm impressed with my parents' endurance, given their past infidelity decades ago. Obviously I was too young to even form sentences at the time. Actually I wasn't even born when mom cheated first and they weren't married...
I'm impressed with my parents' endurance, given their past infidelity decades ago. Obviously I was too young to even form sentences at the time. Actually I wasn't even born when mom Show More
No way, no human can overcome that
Yes, anything except death is possible
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Who controls the stereo, the driver or passenger?

Please help me settle an argument with my boyfriend. He never lets me play Beyonce in the car because he really dislikes her music, and I argued that the passenger is in charge of the stereo, but he says the driver is...
Please help me settle an argument with my boyfriend. He never lets me play Beyonce in the car because he really dislikes her music, and I argued that the passenger is in charge of the Show More
The driver controls the stereo
The passenger controls the stereo
Other - please explain
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Why was my boyfriend frustrated with me when I was feeling headachy and dizzy all day?

My boyfriend and I had an amazing weekend but today I woke up not feeling so well - I was head achy and dizzy all day and sleepy and nauseated…. we were out the whole entire day yesterday…. my boyfriend wanted to clean up...
My boyfriend and I had an amazing weekend but today I woke up not feeling so well - I was head achy and dizzy all day and sleepy and nauseated…. we were out the whole entire day Show More
Doesn’t fully understand due to his learning disability
He’s selfish
Other - pls explain.
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Did you have a teen romance?

If yes, how did it go? And if no, do you think you missed out?
If yes, how did it go? And if no, do you think you missed out? Show More
It's complicated
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1 wife
2 wives
3 wives
4 wives
5 +
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Why/Why not? Show More
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My Husband's Best Friend Told Me That He's In Love With Me. What Should I Do?

To start off, I'm really uncomfortable talking about this but I need some real opinions or guidance please. And my family here on GAG never lets me down. Soo... My husband seems to be blind to his friends' intentions....
To start off, I'm really uncomfortable talking about this but I need some real opinions or guidance please. And my family here on GAG never lets me down. Soo... My husband seems to be Show More
Go Hang Out With The Guys Because It Wouldn't Be Ladylike To Deny Their Request
Huge Red Flag!!! Stay Away From The All Male Group
Try Speaking With Your Husband Again, But More Adamantly
Something Else... Let Me Explain
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Other (explain in comments)
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Do I love him or just comfortable?

I’m in a relationship and we been together for 5 months. Like at the beginning of our relationship I couldn’t stop thinking about him. But I can’t tell if this is love I’m feeling or I’m just don’t want to lose him....
I’m in a relationship and we been together for 5 months. Like at the beginning of our relationship I couldn’t stop thinking about him. But I can’t tell if this is love I’m feeling or Show More
In love
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Is it rude, as a fat gal, to suggest that your girlfriend should watch her weight more since she's been getting out of shape?

Long story short, I'm concerned that I may come off as being overly rude and hypocritical if I tell my girlfriend that she's getting pretty chubby while I've always been plus size. For context ever since we known each...
Long story short, I'm concerned that I may come off as being overly rude and hypocritical if I tell my girlfriend that she's getting pretty chubby while I've always been plus size. Show More
Yes it is.
No it isn't.
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How long should I wait until I see my LDR in person?

We started dating at the beginning of this year, so it has already been about 4 months. We have exchanged photos and have been calling almost every day, we practically sleep on phone calls. We are going to start video...
We started dating at the beginning of this year, so it has already been about 4 months. We have exchanged photos and have been calling almost every day, we practically sleep on phone Show More
End of June
End of October
November - December
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For those that received promise rings, did you ended up married or was it BS?

Did you guys eventually ended up getting married or was it BS in the end?
Did you guys eventually ended up getting married or was it BS in the end? Show More
Yes, we got married and still are
I'm now engaged to them
BS.. we broke up.. all that for nothing
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Advice on my thoughts?

I’m in a relationship and we been together for 5 months. Like at the beginning of our relationship I couldn’t stop thinking about him. But I can’t tell if this is love I’m feeling or I’m just don’t want to lose him....
I’m in a relationship and we been together for 5 months. Like at the beginning of our relationship I couldn’t stop thinking about him. But I can’t tell if this is love I’m feeling or Show More
In love
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Girls: who would you pick. A good man or the man of your dreams?

The good man is an emotionally intelligent, kind, handsome young man in his early 30s. He doesn't make a lot of money but is family oriented and is your ride or die. He has a big family but He doesn't live lavish and...
The good man is an emotionally intelligent, kind, handsome young man in his early 30s. He doesn't make a lot of money but is family oriented and is your ride or die. He has a big Show More
Good man
Man of my dreams
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For science cause my boyfriend said no💀 Show More
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Is it wrong to have sex with others whilst in a situation-ship?

Me and this guy both like each other a lot, but he’s not willing to take our “relationship” any further than just having a mutual crush as he has stated in the past that he won’t commit to a real relationship with me...
Me and this guy both like each other a lot, but he’s not willing to take our “relationship” any further than just having a mutual crush as he has stated in the past that he won’t Show More
YES - It’s wrong
NO - It’s not wrong
OTHER - (comment)
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Do you think my boyfriend has ADHD or is he just overwhelmed?

So my boyfriend has a job that has him involved a lot and has crazy hours, he works hard and he seems very sharp and focus in his job. I know he can feel a little stressed at times when he is working a lot especially on...
So my boyfriend has a job that has him involved a lot and has crazy hours, he works hard and he seems very sharp and focus in his job. I know he can feel a little stressed at times Show More
He has ADHD
He is just overwhelmed
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