Advice on my thoughts?

I’m in a relationship and we been together for 5 months. Like at the beginning of our relationship I couldn’t stop thinking about him. But I can’t tell if this is love I’m feeling or I’m just don’t want to lose him. Because I don’t want to lose him. I would miss him so much but is it because I love him? Like I don’t get a butterflies but I do excited when I see his text or call. Like I use to get butterflies when he runs his fingers on my back. I also do think about a guy but I never really like him but I do think about him. But I can’t imagine kissing him it makes me sick to my stomach. I can’t really imagine kissing anyone else besides my boyfriend. I do miss him when I’m not around him but it’s not the end of the world or a big impact on me.
Is this love or am I’m just comfortable?
In love
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Advice on my thoughts?
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