Why was my boyfriend frustrated with me when I was feeling headachy and dizzy all day?


My boyfriend and I had an amazing weekend but today I woke up not feeling so well - I was head achy and dizzy all day and sleepy and nauseated…. we were out the whole entire day yesterday….

my boyfriend wanted to clean up his place today and I usually go to the gym when he cleans…. today I couldn’t go because I wasn’t well and my boyfriend was getting frustrated with me…. we also had to be at his parents for dinner later tonight and we ended up going..

why was he getting frustrated and insisting for me to go the gym even tho he knew I wasn’t feeling well? He still was able to do his cleaning even tho I was there…

(my boyfriend does have a learning disability and doesn’t always comprehend)

Doesn’t fully understand due to his learning disability
He’s selfish
Other - pls explain.
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My boyfriend apologized after I explained myself and he understood
Why was my boyfriend frustrated with me when I was feeling headachy and dizzy all day?
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