Why does my boyfriend ignore me for several days when he is mad?

My boyfriend and I have been together for a year. We just had our first fight about four weeks ago over a business project he was helping me with. We fought and he stopped talking to me for 3 days. Then we made up and I asked him to meet so we can discuss why the fight happened and how we can learn to communicate from it. We scheduled to meet six times and each time he cancelled on me.

He wanted me to come over this week to sleep over at his place but I told him no because 1) i work during the week and 2) I was mad that he been neglecting our relationship so i just didn't want to even see him face-to-face anymore. When I told him I wasn't coming, he got mad. Since then, he ignoring me again. The ghosting and lack of communication is really irritating for me because I like to talk about stuff once it happens. I don't stay mad for long. Dealing with someone who doesn't know how to communicate frustrates me. It's like the things he ignores me for be so small. I don't know what I should do. It is our first fight so I want to work it out but I can't force him (and dont want to) to talk to me.
Why does my boyfriend ignore me for several days when he is mad?
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