Is it rude, as a fat gal, to suggest that your girlfriend should watch her weight more since she's been getting out of shape?


Long story short, I'm concerned that I may come off as being overly rude and hypocritical if I tell my girlfriend that she's getting pretty chubby while I've always been plus size.
For context ever since we known each other I've been plus size while she was quite fit. Last year she started packing on some extra weight and she's getting concerningly chubby.
Would it be an asshole move to ask her to try to get back into shape / offer to cook healthier meals for her?

Is it rude, as a fat gal, to suggest that your girlfriend should watch her weight more since shes been getting out of shape?
Yes it is.
No it isn't.
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Is it rude, as a fat gal, to suggest that your girlfriend should watch her weight more since she's been getting out of shape?
24 Opinion