Engagement Rings: Here's Why The Detail And Size Matter

The woman in the picture above went viral after being shamed for having such a small engagement ring. Well, actually she wasn't shamed...
30 44

5 Ways to Carry On After a Long-Term Relationship Ends!

There is probably no greater feeling in the world than to love and be loved in return. Luckily, most of us have had the chance to fall...
10 22

"Deep Clean" Your Relationships

Family, friends, colleagues, relatives, acquaintances, whatever the degree of intimacy of our relationships, some bring us happiness and...
5 5

The importance of Going Dutch (or Splitting the Bill)

So this was previously going to be a MyTake titled the 5 trials of dating, Which are 5 circumstances where you can judge a woman's...
20 16

General Tips For Guys Attracting Girls

I am currently 17 and a high school student in Australia. Now, I initially started going on this page just for fun, but I realized that...
17 37

Red Flags From My Last Relationship, Part Two

This is a late follow up to the my take I posted above. Another user, @errorgoodnameunfound inspired me to make another. My last...
6 9

Yes, I Am Young And Attractive...So What?

1. It's hard to differentiate the genuine good guys A guy can appear sincere but it's not long before he starts indicating signs of...
19 58

Boyfriend takes my jokes too seriously and I feel like I always have to be careful with what I say?

So we’ve been together for almost 4 months. Everything is amazing tbh. We both can see each other marrying one another. It was love at...

Have you ever felt magnetically drawn to someone?

In every capacity, e. g., emotionally, intellectually, sexually?
21 44

Do guys really mean it when they tell you that they care about you?

Are they just trying to have sex and could really careless about you?
12 49

Would you accept an apology via text message?

You had a really bad argument with your SO and it’s left you feeling really upset. They don’t apologise to your face but in a text...
16 33

How do you melt someone's heart?

How do you make a cold person open to being in love? How do you get someone to let their wall/gaurd down?
20 34

What Is Your Opinion On Sex Under 18?

Honestly don't care, as long as they aren't 10 or whatever. And as long as there is protection... and it's not with a pedo or something.

Would you ever date someone that looks like a family member of yours?

I mean lookswise they look like a niece/nephew or aunt/uncle.
20 40

How will you react if your parent force you to date someone you don’t want to?

I’m a 19 years old college student and I live with my parents. There is this handsome dude in my university, and my mom had a crush on...
13 17

Who Is The Hottest Guy/Girl You’ve Ever Seen? Would You Date Them?

If there’s more than one by all means name em 👌.
2 9

Should Couples be allowed to hang out with Single people?

Hanging out with couples when you're single can be very weird. Couples on the one hand are very happy and overly affectionate but on the...
11 15

Guys, do you like or dislike being Approached by a Girl? Girls, would you approach a Hot Guy?

Guys have said that they don’t want girls to approach them, however now I see guys saying that they want to be approached, so which one...
2 13

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