2 Things People Usually Get Wrong About Satanism and Satanists


1. They Are Worshippers of Satan
2 Things People Usually Get Wrong About Satanism and Satanists

Actually, that's not true. Most of the satanists doesn't believe in Satan as a being or person. The Church of Satan, explains it like this in their website: "Satan to us is a symbol of pride, liberty and individualism, and it serves as an external metaphorical projection of our highest personal potential. We do not believe in Satan as a being or person."

2. Animal Sacrifice

2 Things People Usually Get Wrong About Satanism and Satanists

Satanism defies expectations and defined itself against the superstitions of popular religion. And satanists are actually atheists. Satanists are individual gods of themselves.

Then, why would a Satanist want to slaughter an animal?

Quoting from Vexen Crabtree's article written in 2008: "The Satanist's god is his own person, himself. So, a Satanist would want an animal killed for himself, be it by his own hands or by proxy. Satanists respect life as being much more useful, worthwhile and therefore Satanic whilst it is alive and kicking, and able to benefit us, than when it is dead and useless. (For making it clear, for them, humans are also animals.)

Benefits of an alive animal:

- It is able to be taught to do our bidding.
- It can give us satisfaction, attention and affection on a more simple level than human beings, with less problems.
- It is an asset, financially, and can be sold.
- If you do not own it, then taking care of it if it is unwell will earn you gratitude from its owners.
- Well trained animals can make people respect its trainer and keeper.

2 Things People Usually Get Wrong About Satanism and Satanists

Disadvantages of killing an animal:

- Its owners, if any, will disrespect you.
- You may have to dispose of the carcass.
- You may suffer the legal consequences of killing it.
- The animal now has none of the advantages of a living object, it has become de-animated.
- People, in Western society, shun those who are known to "kill animals" for illegitimate reasons. It can cause you social problems.

Reasons for killing an animal:

- For food, if you have the skills to cook it safely.
- For clothes, if you have the equipment to prepare its skin.
- For other materials as are required for your own existence, i.e., bones for tools.
- For self defence, if the animal is a risk.

Psychology: If the animal is in permanent pain, has an incurable disease or unrecoverable injury then it psychologically benefits you to kill it (and you are likely to be free of legal punishment)."

I hope this helped.

2 Things People Usually Get Wrong About Satanism and Satanists
11 Opinion