Religious validation?

Religious validation?

I've seen numerous postings about religion and the context of the person posing the question changes. Some are generic questions about people being religious. Some are somewhat intense in spouting one's religion is more important than the other. Some people insist being atheists is the only path to take.

What is your stance?

Religious validation?

I think believing in any faith as well as the opposite is up to the individual. Who makes someone right? Why does anyone have to be "right"? Why isn't believing in a religion or the opposite an individual's choice? That choice should not be ridiculed or considered wrong, in my opinion. The fact people think and feel differently should be tolerated simply because people have the choice to be.

Religious validation?

I am not advocating any religion or atheism. I'm simply asking you (the reader) if you are tolerant to other points of view? I believe being tolerant of other viewpoints opens up a dialogue between people who are not like-minded and leads to maybe a basic understanding of why the other person feels/thinks the way they do.

Religious validation?

I would like to know what you think? You don't have to justify your faith or lack thereof to me or anyone else. If you can't express why you think/feel/believe a certain way, it doesn't open up a path for understanding. I want to know what makes you feel religion is the path for you, regardless of which religion it is. If you are atheist, ditto. Thank you for taking the time to read myTake.

Religious validation?
3 Opinion