Understanding the bread and wine of Jesus - a Protestant writer

Understanding the bread and wine of Jesus - a Protestant writer

In the bible Jesus gives people bread and says - this is my body which has been broken for you

In the bible Jesus gives a chalice of wine and says this is the blood of my covenant which has been poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins

He said unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood you have no life in you

So what is this bread and what is this wine?

I believe the bread of Jesus is the mercy of Jesus

I believe the blood of Jesus is the sacrifice of Jesus

Unless you digest the mercy of the humanitarian

And worship the sacrifice of God’s goodness

You have no life in you

The one who eats mercy and respects sacrifice

has life

And God will raise him up on the last day

Eat the flesh of the son of man: digest the mercy of the humanitarian by sharing in his merciful sentiments

Drink his blood: respect the sacrifice of the humanitarian by supporting his justice and compensation

Than you will have life

Understanding the bread and wine of Jesus - a Protestant writer
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