The Hidden Devil of Genesis and Revelation

The Hidden Devil of Genesis and Revelation

The Hidden Devil of Genesis and Revelation is the human ego.

You must interpret the law of God on the foundation of spirit and not on the foundation of Ego.

To interpret scripture on the foundation of ego, meaning the worship of self identity,

Or the foundation of idolatry, meaning the worship of visual glory,

Or the foundation of cruelty, meaning the worship of anger and control,

Or the foundation of self-pity, meaning the worship of suffering and depression,

Is to interpret the law of God in a way that is unlawful and to live God in a way that is unloving and to serve God in a way that disservices him.

The egotistic interpretation of God’s law interferes with peace and rest.

The idolatrous interpretation of God’s law interferes with strength and purpose.

The cruel interpretation of God’s law interferes with health and freedom.

The bitter interpretation of God’s law intersected with joy and relationships.

None of these foundational biases or presumptions are God’s law.

God’s law is found in humility and meekness, in meaning and comfort, in harmony and satisfaction, in compassion and understanding.

This is the real saviour of mankind, all other presumptions before this were not God’s will.

The Hidden Devil of Genesis and Revelation
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