Why you must manage your suspicions

Why you must manage your suspicions

It’s important to be cautious when dealing with people because not everybody means well and many will try to harm you if you let your guard down but there is a difference between caution, self-preservation, self-protection and suspicion.

Suspicion is the assumption of guilt without evidence and the attribution of confrontation without foreseeable cause while caution is the unwillingness to expose yourself to dangerous or volatile situations and the healthy willingness to question the truth of people and ideas, while giving people the benefit of the doubt.

When you are overly suspicious, you make enemies out of friends and aliens out of acquaintances. And in romance, become an unpleasant control freak that nobody wants around. Suspicion also corrupts you morally and makes you treacherous, slanderous, disloyal and unhelpful.

My philosophy is to practice discretion and avoid both confrontation and lying, even if it means refusing to continue or entertain a conversation in the preservation of self-interest. But I am not suspicious of others because I trust God to protect me from unforeseen dangers and I’m comfortable with the idea that life involves risk.

Why you must manage your suspicions
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