My Christian Theory on Celebrity Suicides

These Celebrities all committed suicide
These Celebrities all committed suicide

Good parents know you can’t give your kids everything you want and I believe it’s impossible to enjoy life if you have only happy experiences and never negative ones, a working woman savours her chocolate cake while a lazy man prefers to eat ice cubes. A working woman feels like a princess in her Walmart dress while a lazy millionaire feels ugly in her Versace necktie.

The fact is, you need sacrifice and limitations to truly enjoy your life, which is why men are more loyal to demanding women then they are to extremely kind ones, or why woman get bored when guys never disagree with them or challenge their opinions, humans desire limitations on their life because humans were born to serve others and not to be served by others.

Dan Gilbert wrote a book with similar sentiments and my post was inspired a lot by his Ted Talk, he’s one of the most amazing thinkers I’ve come across, I prefer him to Jordan Peterson, who I sometimes agree with and other times disagree with.

My Christian Theory on Celebrity Suicides
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