How long was Samson's hair at its longest before Delilah convinced the Philistines to cut it off?

Tell me if you think Samson's hair was longer than Samson's height or not. If not, how long do you think it was. Answer in terms of where it came on him and not in terms of how long it was in inches. Why do you think Samson fell so in love with Delilah that he eventually hold her his hair strength secret? What caused Delilah to finally realize after the 3rd time that he finally shared the truth after 2 straight lies? Was it that he loved her so much that he let his guard down and thought he could have full confidence in her? What made the 3rd time the charm?

Why do you think Samson's strength was so predicated upon never having his hair cut throughout his life? Was the Nazarite vow so precious to God that He considered favor with those who honored it all their life long? Please share your hair strength glory concerning Samson! What power is there with hair? Please thoroughly provide the top reasons this may have spiritual merits!
Touching shoulders or above
Below shoulders to shoulder backbone
Below shoulder backbone to waist
Below waist to knees
Below knees to floor/ground
Touching the floor/ground (aka his hair was longer than his height)
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+1 y
I meant told her, not hold her.
How long was Samson's hair at its longest before Delilah convinced the Philistines to cut it off?
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