Why do some religious people do major sins repeatedly and then still consider themself religious?

Why do some religious people do major sins repeatedly and then still consider themself religious?

I understand we all sin and we learn from it and grow. But some keep sinning for years knowing its bad and they think they will automatically be forgiven?

Like people will cheat on their husband/wife for years, they will rape people, they will shoot people, rob people, they will make only fans content and then they think they can just get away with it automatically just by asking for forgivness and then keep doing the same thing and keep asking for forgivness?

I'm not saying people can't be forgiven i'm not God. But keep doing it knowing its bad and then just assume you can be forgiven for it every time.. seriously?

I have sinned too and im not perfect, we are all human but keep doing the same MAJOR sin is what I'm refering too.

That's like me calling myself a vegan but I eat meat every day๐Ÿ˜‚

It's narcissim/they have learned the wrong info
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Why do some religious people do major sins repeatedly and then still consider themself religious?
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