How can astrology make sense when constellations aren't permanent?

Everything in space is in motion. While all the bodies in our solar system fly around the sun, the sun is making its trip around the center of the Milky Way, with all of the other stars going on their way. Meanwhile our galaxy is moving as well. Because of this, the constellations aren't permanent. Astrology as a concept has been around for thousands of years, but the sky has been around for a lot longer than humans. When the dinosaurs were around, constellations like Orion, Ursa major, and all the 12 zodiacs simply didn't exist. There weren't humans around to look at them and trace the funny patterns, but if humans were around, they wouldn't be seeing those stars making those shapes. Also, say if humans are still around 65 million or even a couple million years in the future, it's again going to be a different set of constellations, not the ones we know today. How does the system of astrology still apply, then? Do new rules need to be drawn up for the new constellations?
I'll be honest, I kinda have a strong bias against astrology because of an abusive ex who took it way too seriously and had to apply it to EVERYTHING in her life. It's also caused a lot of unnecessary arguments and tensions because who she thought I was and who I actually was never lined up since my birth chart placements gave her a very false image of me. I started that relationship with an open mind to it (not a beleiver) to now being unnecessarily triggered and annoyed by it. She also had an anti-science truther mentality about it, too. She was almost morally opposed to space exploration or any science stuff trying to explain the universe because, to her, the stars are supposed to be sacred. I still recognize this is just one person and shouldn't represent all. Tbh, I kinda hope my mental image of the average astrology beleiver being a diet flat-earther is wrong.

I don't know where I was going with this question it just kinda turned into a therapy session. Sry, if u read this far, lol
How can astrology make sense when constellations aren't permanent?
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