Do you think the Jewish God is doing a good job delivering?


upon "the knowledge of good and evil"... Bible:Genesis 3

That was what was "chosen" in the "Garden of Eden", in the early story in Genesis. Real or allegory, it seems to fit well their reality.

Gen: 16 lays out... their great ancestor Abraham knocks up wifes maid and throws her out, she nearly dies a miserable, lonely death. But alas... she is saved by the same God! ARE YOU SENSING SOME KofGAE? hatred! Can you imagine what Hagar, the maid, told her sons about those "other people"? They are evil! Hatred!

Abraham creates the people of Isreal (Jewish)... whom are offered a promised land... where there was already people (aheem...). Isreal takes that area but in time, are overtaken and scattered over the globe. WWII Nazi Germany tries to wipe them out.. fail! So the western powers that won, put Isreal back in the promised land... where there's a bunch of "Palestinians"... e. g. the people that hate them.

Since then, they fight, lots of trauma, death, destruction, misery and suffering.

Isreal was directly involved in killing hundreds USA citizens in the USS Liberty attack (they justified it so they could obtain Nuclear weapons, to ensure their survival) and quite possibly, the assasination of a US President... that is not fact, but possible.

So here they are, the thorn in the fabric of the world. A good peoples, but a sharp edge. The other side, is nearly insane by most definitions. Rabid with hatred.

It is the delivery of "the knowledge of good and evil"... one side thinks they are good, the other side sees them as evil. Both will murder each other.

That is obvious...

Do you think the Jewish God is doing a good job delivering?

Some further reading...

You'd have to admit... the author of the Bible, is correct... and is giving what was requested...

note the Bible, if one goes onto read the "next" section, the New Testament, gives a bailout option to all that mess. That's another "story" for another day.

Do you think the Jewish God is doing a good job delivering?
Yes, God is delivering as stated
No, not enough, need more knowledge
I am God, read the other section...
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Do you think the Jewish God is doing a good job delivering?
10 Opinion