
Search Results: do guys get intimidated by other guys

My Life with Social Anxiety

What exactly is social anxiety? What does it mean? Who suffers from it? Social anxiety is a very real problem that many people suffer from, and many feel like they are alone. Occasionally, it's not easy to know if you...

RE: "Why don’t men take attractive women more seriously?" 👩💵

Think of this as Part 2 to my last MyTake about the myth of the "STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMAN" bullsh*t. I didn't want to make this. I wasn't going to make this. But Miss "I'm Too Good For Most Men Out There" since she...

How to Spot a Bold and Strong Woman

Why this take and topic? I am 28 year old woman who got back to the dating scene after a long time about 3 years. I have dated people whom I met through friends and social circle, as well I used online dating apps to meet...

Perhaps women aren't just shy and submissive in dating, perhaps they too are cowards, just like a lot of men in society?

I'll stress that whilst this is mostly about women (being a man), the things I wanna talk about are universal... The dating game... I'm a big man, always working to improve myself physically, mentally, emotionally and all...

A Brief Memoir and A Few Pointers From A Late Bloomer In Dating

Let’s face it. Approaching and dating can be nerve-wracking. They can especially be so if you’re in your mid to late 20s and have little to no experience with dating and relationships, which seems to be pretty common...

My guide on being absolutely fabulous

As some of you might know, I am a lady who is strong and have grit. I walk the talk and I have sass. Therefore, I will give you my guide on being absolutely fabulous and self confident. Now it took me years and many tears...

My Turn to Answer BuzzFeed's 36 Questions Women Have For Men Now, a lot of you know that I am not a crowd follower or like to jump on the bandwagon like the rest here, but I admit this time I gotta go with this one. I read...

Update to myTake: Sexual Harassment at Work and What Men/Women Can Do About It

I am the writer of the take "Think Every Woman Lies About Harassment in the Western World? Think Twice" and I would like to give you a follow-up incident in this take. You can click on the title provided above to reach...

When are women going to start taking more responsibility for dating?

I always try to be fair and understanding to both sexes on this site and I do my best to provide people with unbiased, well thought out answers and advice. I'm not perfect but I do my best to try to avoid blaming or...

The Troubles of Being Short

Guess which one I am? I am wearing 6 inch heels in this picture, taller than all the other girls heels. One was wearing flats. So lately I've seen takes like "Problems only tall people understand" so I decided to make a...

Why Falling in Love With an Old Soul is Hard

The definition I have for an old soul is basically a young man or woman who does not really fit in the modern way of living and has this strange nostalgia for how things were in the past. ´´Someone who has a greater...

Rigid Masculine Gender Role Adherence & The Connection to Violence and Hostility Against Women

A message I received today... "you young lady deserve a thurough raping so you can learn the value of a strong police force. maybe if something bad happens to your family or your vagina you'll understand why law and order...

Things I’ve Learned About Females Throughout My Life

This was a fun and different kind of Take for me to write. In all my interactions and relationships with women through the years, I’ve noticed some very interesting things about them, both good and bad. The things I list...

FAQ you GaG: Part 2! Your Frequently Asked Questions, your opinions, with a bit of humour and trolling!

Disclaimer: There are no stupid questions. The purpose of this myTake is to make people laugh, add a little smile on some people's face. It's not supposed to make fun of anyone or any kind of situation. If you're still...

Bullying: The Fear, The Drama, and The Acceptance of a Bully

There is a scene in 1988's United Artists film "Rain Man" where Charlie Babbitt grabs a hold of his older brother Ray's neck out of frustration - simply because he felt he could.  Ray suffered from Autism and didn't have...

10 Things I Wish To Find In My Future Man

When everyone asks me the typical question, "why do you still not have a bf?" I always say that I am not interested in boys but rather in MEN, which is half the truth, Yes I don't wish to date a boy who doesn't grow a...

Masculinity and Femininity: The Ideal Man and Woman

I should mention a few things before I dive into this article. These are my opinions, based on my observations and conversations with people. When I say ideal, I mean nobody is perfect. I mean just being the best...

The Difference Between "Cute" and "Hot"

I've seen this asked so many times and I've often wondered it myself. I've always thought I had a pretty good understanding of it, however I've been described as being both before by different people to the point that it...

Women Think They Should Approach Men? I Don't Believe That

For a lot of years I’ve always been against women making the first move on a guy, or at least I never really favored it. But now I don’t really care one way or another or make a big deal of it in my life anymore, though I...

Good Things About Womanhood

Wow so this is my first mytake and this is partly inspired by @omgjassy Did you ever had a dream where you were the opposite sex? I figured I would aim for more of a good view and considering this is all about girls...