Search Results: do you think she thinks about me

Why I think posting anonymously is not as bad as what people say

Since I started using this website, I post questions 99% of the time. I do know that people would misuse the anonymous feature but Im not one of the trolls you see on the site. Im talking about the good anonymous users...

Feminism is more dangerous than you think

In the past I have wrote about the hidden agenda of feminism, how it was funded by the Rockefeller family for the purpose of breaking up families and driving a wedge between men and women, which was admitted by Nick...

Things girls do that they think is cute, but it's really not attractive or cute to guys

This is my opinion from a girl's point of view. I'm not saying that all girls do this and every guy is different but I am going to share the top things that come to mind. 1. Acting bitchy and saying things like "I'm a bad...

Times I think you have to lie to a Woman

When she's having a bad day and looks like total crap, but you call her the most beautiful thing ever! She will know you are full of it, but you are supposed to be that guy for her. When you really hate a show or...

Are people not realistic about relationships? Do you think we stress too much on monogamy?

I see a lot of women on this site talk about how important it is for a man to be faithful (to the extent that they might even rather the men never watch porn again or look at other women lol) and men always want a woman...

Why I think relationships are dead to me

I'm a young guy. I'm 21 years old, and im in a generation of terrible people with terrible minds. Sometimes i feel like im stuck in a world that im not supposed to be in. Sometimes i wake up, and i feel like there's just...

Us girls over think a bit too much :/

I'm a victim in this too... I tend to overthink a lot. If a guy stares at me, behaves differently and so on, I'll assume he's "Crushing". He might be, he might not be, the best think is to not think about it. Over...

Do You Think The Oscars Are "Too White?"

When the Oscar nominees were announced this year, the news was less about those nominated and more about those who weren't. Some call it racism, some call it odds, some call for change, some are calling for boycotts. So...

Wear What You Want, Be Who You Are, Don't Care What Others Think. If You Be You, Do You, You're Keepin It Real. Not Fake And Insecure Like So Many.

I personally don't see what the big deal is about with men wearing these boots. As others have mentioned, these boots were originally made for men. These boots did not become a popular trend for women until 10 years ago....

Why I Think The Statement "I Don't Date A Certain Race" Is Actually Quite Racist, And Why I Think Women Are More Racist Than Men In Dating

I've noticed many people saying this, mostly on the internet but enough times I've heard it in real life as well to realize its nothing uncommon to feel this way about dating and racial preferences. Now some of you think...

What New Features I Think Should Be Introduced To GAG

These are my suggestions Be able to like others opinion comments Be able to edit/ delete an opinion Play online games with other gagers to achieve more xper points New topics such as: Food and Drink Cars and...

Why I Think Nice Guys Don't Get Girlfriends

I think it has to do with the fact that there is nothing special about being nice. Consider an analogy of attending an athletics event and everyone is getting participation diplomas and only a few people get gold medals....

For Those Ever In An Abusive Relationship Or Think They May Be...

Disclaimer: because this is about me, and my perspective and I'm a gir,l I will just refer to male abusers and I'll say "he". But I also am aware not all men are the same, I have a current boyfriend who's great, so any...

I Think Recreational Weed Is Okay!

Lets legalize weed everywhere for recreational and medicinal use! * Restrictions apply I just believe weed is okay to use recreationally because... - It helps panic attacks/anxiety - It's calming - Everyone has access to...

Doing What Makes You Happy Is More Important Than What People Think

I'm that girl people laugh at and watch dance in the Commons at school as if no one was watching. The thing is I don't care what the people say or think about me yeah I look weird but I'm having a great time doing it. One...

The One TV Show I Think Should Make a Comeback Is...

Hello GAGers. Over the past few months classic television shows have been making a comeback in one way or another. It can be a successful continuation of a previous series such as Fuller House. Or, a total reboot of a...

Why I Think My Father Is Better Than Most Men My Age

1. He is a science-and-math guy He is a man of reason. He explains things scientifically and naturalistically. When I was in grade school, he gave me math lessons, so that I could excel in my math classes. My father is...

There Are Dingbats Galore Out There, More than You Probably Think

A few nights ago, at 7:44, I was at my gym training a few mostly middle aged women, new to working out. Right in the middle of the class, in walks a maybe 30 year old woman pushing s stroller. This is incongruous in the...

Your Clothes Talk More Than You Think

A common debate is, "should women dress however they want?" and usually the answer is a large resounding yes. After all, it's a woman's body and she should do what she wants with it. It's guys who need to learn control....

Good News: Only 36% of GirlsAskGuys Members Are - Or Think They Are - Overweight

Recently, I made a poll titled, "Are you underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese?" Exactly 50% of the responders say they are "normal weight". A 14% of the responders say that they are "underweight". A 23% of the...