Search Results: Where did you had sex with your partner for the

Anyone in a marriage or long term relationship where you feel starved of sex by your partner?

What does it feel like? Do you feel tempted to "cheat"? Why have you not left? What are your predominant feelings -- of anger, feeling cheated, feeling deprived, sad, or just miserable?
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Would you believe your partner if they constantly made excuses not to have sex with you?

Your partner all of a sudden stops showing you affection and when you try to initiate sex with them they say they aren’t in the mood or they are stressed out etc.. you get sexually frustrated to the point that this is...
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Guys if you know that a girl has had sex with black partners does it effect your opinion of her and why?

I am a white guy that feels this is actually a real issue, despite how far we as a society have evolved compared to the 1950s way of thinking. I have a unique prospective on this because I have an adopted brother who is...
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How do you know if your partner REALLY loves you?

This is my first long term, serious relationship as an adult. I love my girlfriend very much, and I am a very affectionate person. I’m thoughtful, I make time for us, I do all of the little things (random flowers, coffee,...
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Would you ever “test” your partner’s loyalty by setting them up to cheat on you? How would you feel if it was done to you?

I wouldn’t do this but I’ve seen a video where people do this on camera and for example... a girl had her boyfriend go install the cable for these twin sisters who tried to have sex with him and she watched as it was...
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Is it a bad idea to ask your partner to remind to do something?

At his house there's only one side table so I put my retainers there as we were going to have sex. I asked him to remind me to put them on, mostly because it would be dark they're on his side and I may get sleepy and I...
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When did you realize after the break-up that you weren't the problem and your partner was manipulative as fuck, your break-up clairvoyance moment?

I'll go first, whenever we stayed at each other's houses and I just wanted to talk and hang out and not have sex, he'd be petty the next few days and barely respond when I messaged him claiming to be busy when he had...
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Your partner having opposite sex friends, yes or No?

It's only a preference, so yes or No? Personally for me it's a no and I will most definitely return the favor of course, I just think it's healthier for a relationship where there's no worry from either side on...
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If a Girl wants to be with you, you will not know she cheated on you, What’s your thoughts on this?

I know cheating is a horrible thing that is talked about a lot , most people know it’s wrong to do but they do it anyways , so how do we truly know if someone is staying loyal to us? , How do we truly know if someone is...
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Would you hire a sex decoy to "trap" your boyfriend/girlfriend just to see if they would cheat on you?

I saw that show "Sex Decoy: Love Stings" on TV where the people hire sex decoys to flirt with their mate to see if they would take the bait. I can see maybe hiring a P.I. or setting up cameras in your house if you think...
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Sex dream about my boyfriend?

My boyfriend and I have been together on and off for almost 10 years now. He is a Christian , the type that believes in no sex before marriage, where as I believe in God and all of that, but not necessarily the no sex...
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Partners behaviour?

What would you think if you went out and your partner started not just staring but looking someone of the opposite sex up and down and watching where they went, this wasn't the first instance of this happening?
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The 1 Time It's OK to Cheat on Your Partner

There may not be anything more detrimental to an intimate relationship than infidelity. Cheating is a surefire way to hurt your partner. It ruins trust and can lead to the end of your union. All that being said, there is...

Sex drive, more or less?

Have you ever been in a relationship where your drive is higher or much lower than your partners and if so which is more annoying?
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If you suddenly got rich off crypto which choice would you pick?

Option A: - Take out crypto at. 2.5mil but pay a few hundred thousand in capital gains tax. - pay off all joint debt with partner - buy a house with a basement suite to rent out when the market was the best it's...
Option A: - Take out crypto at. 2.5mil but pay a few hundred thousand in capital gains tax. - pay off all joint debt with partner - buy a house with a basement suite to rent out Show More
Build a life with your partner, rent out part of your house, and travel the world together.
Gamble and see if you can make more $$$, separate from partner, and party every night.
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I am in a relationship with someone I love but I have fallen for someone else. What is your opinion?

I (27 F) have been with my partner (33 M) for 6 years. The first year and a half was great, I was so in love that I did not notice the wrongs. Throughout the years with my partner I had my doubts and especially the way...
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Why do girls hate on guys looking for casual hook-ups and then insist that they like sex as much as any guy?

there seems to be this really weird feminist dating misconception that women are just as promiscuous and enjoy sex just as much as men do? realistically they are either considerably more selective about their sexual...
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Why is everything about sex?

Why is everything about sex now? Why? Sure sex sells. But what happened to the time where your could listen to a lot of music without hearing a sexual reference, getting money from/for sex, getting high, or drunk? Why...
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Ladies, what is the blueprint or guide to giving a woman great sex. can/has offer?

Women are unique, I get that. But there has to be commonalities. Objective do’s and don’ts I will value all the wisdom shared that can prepare me. Be Thorough in advice covering all stages/erotic zones. I know I am...
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Would you date a partner if they wanted you to sleep with other people?

Picture this, you’re 3 dates in and everything is going great. Things get quiet for a moment and they tell you: “just so you know, I’m looking for a specific type of relationship. I don’t want to restrict my partners...
Picture this, you’re 3 dates in and everything is going great. Things get quiet for a moment and they tell you: “just so you know, I’m looking for a specific type of relationship. I Show More
This sounds like a dream.
I’d give it a go.
I wouldn’t like that.
I would like to be the person proposing this
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