Search Results: Which body type would you rather see on a woman

Which body type would you rather see on a woman?

I know this has been asked a million times, but most posts are about Corona now, so let's have something that doesn't require we use our brain much. Would you rather see a apple/inverted triangle body type (has big...
I know this has been asked a million times, but most posts are about Corona now, so let's have something that doesn't require we use our brain much. Would you rather see a Show More
Apple/inverted triangle
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Romantic Body Type: David Kibbe Theory

Over a year ago I shared this myTake on a genius way of classifying various body types, categorized by not just your bust, waist and hip ratio but also taking into account your bone structure, facial features etc. David...

David Kibbe's 13 Body Types Theory

I once posted a question here , asking girls if they are familiar with David Kibbe's 13 Body Types Theory . It is not very popular, so when I got very few responses all saying that they have no idea about it, I wasn't...

Fat Shaming and Fat Acceptance are Both Wrong and Hiding the REAL Problem with Female Body Image Representation

Disclaimer: I use BMI as the unit of measure as an approximation since approximations are all that is required for me to make my point here. I know BMI is a flawed measurement system, but there isn’t a better quantifiable...

My Opinion On Body Positivity

When most people on this website hear the phrase 'body positivity' they probably think it means 'glorifying obesity'. Now I have seen obesity being glorfied in the name of 'body positivity' in certain cases, and that I...

Why "Body Positivity" is Wrong Nowadays

Hear me out on this before you start commenting things. I love that we're trying to work towards accepting body types and are trying to change how we view people: instead of just seeing a body that looks 'hot' or...

Things I Wish All Women Understood About Clothing

1. Everyone has fit issues Clothing is not designed for the individual (unless you have something made) anymore. Clothing is designed for a mannequin with "typical" proportions, and those "typical" proportions can vary...
BeeNee a

Heightism: the Type of Discrimination That You Didn’t Know Existed

Humans come in all different heights, some are short, some are medium, some are tall and very few are giant. So who usually tends to suffer the most when it comes to heightism? Most of you already know, it’s short people....

11 Types Of Users I Swipe Left On Tinder

I've used Tinder a lot although I'm a quite picky person. After reading another fellow GAG'ers myTake about which tinder users she swipes left on I was inspired to write my own list. I would like to hear your opinions...

Why the Wall Affects Men and Women Differently

This was a response I wrote for @Audiofox's question, "why does the "wall" exist for women but not for men?", upon writing I realized how long it was and thought it would be better to just put it in the form of a mytake...

10 Things I Appreciate in a Woman

There are a lot of great things about women. And if my previous MyTake titled "In Honor of Femininity: The 5 Things I Love Most About Women " has been forgotten, the things I love most about them are their cuteness,...

The Full Guide For Women (And Men) On How To Detect A Disloyal Partner

OK! So lets start first with the proper definition for "cheating", since most people think its just "physical". When it comes to romantic relationships, or any other edge of intimacy. The term "cheating" relates mostly to...

The Types of Guys on GirlsAskGuys

Ok, I know I'm going a little crazy with the takes tonight. This one is not really a useful one but something I'm noticing... The Honestly Looking For Advice Guy He comes here with the simple intention to get his...

An Open Letter to Women Who Were Offended By Trump's Sexually Explicit Language

Really? Of all the things to be concerned about this election and you are throwing a fit because of locker room banter between two old white guys whom everyone knows are dicks? Living in Northern California my entire...

Favorite Body Swaps in Movie and TV

I did one for transformations and I might throw one or two transformations at the end but lets do some fun body swaps. 1. Freaky Friday (1977) The reason I like this one is that...

Paper Love, or Real Love - Which One Do You Choose?

Paper Love - Or Real Love? Ever heard of a paper boyfriend or girlfriend? It’s a trap many people fall into. Then they wonder how come their relationships don’t last long. Or, they wonder why they keep choosing the wrong...

The Kind of Woman I Like (and Some I Don't)

This compilation is not based on physical appeal, but character features that are not the usual, trite, go-to recommendations. Of course an attractive woman is nice and a woman with a shapely body and breasts, but even...

Rigid Masculine Gender Role Adherence & The Connection to Violence and Hostility Against Women

A message I received today... "you young lady deserve a thurough raping so you can learn the value of a strong police force. maybe if something bad happens to your family or your vagina you'll understand why law and order...

How to Meet New Women - As Suggested by a Woman.

Use the charm-lure method. Observe. Be selective. Be charming. Be sincere. Keep moving. Walk away. Give space. Smile. The key is charm. You might not have it. The truth is: you do or you don't. You can't really learn it....

In Response to the "36 Questions Women Have For Men" Feminist Video I feel like everyone's responding to this so now I wanna do it too! I'm going to answer it from a very subjective, personal perspective; as if they're asking me directly, although...