Search Results: Why do guys want to kiss a girl that has never

Met a guy. I fell for him. but he is not clear about his feelings. He said I am important to him. We even got a bit intimate. What should I do?

He said he was on dating site and just wanted to go with the flow. I have known him for 3-4 months now and recently gave him an oral. He called in today (usually he doesn't) cause he found out my friends were stalking him...
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Why is he taking it so slow with me? is he even still interested in me?

so for the past few weeks I've been talking to this one guy. I met him while I was walking down the street and we ended up going to the same bar that night. we just started talking from there. he is always super busy...
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The handsome-shy-guy problem...=)

I've met this guy like 7 years ago and I've had a crush on him from the first sight... he had always been very shy that's why I assumed that he didn't like me or simply wasn't interested back then... we hadn't been in...
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Why should I have to settle for any less?

For many years, I have been seeking a woman without a romantic past where we can be each other's first real relationship. Back in 2020, I happened to stumble upon this girl online unexpectedly. We met on a coding forum,...
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This girl likes me, but is afraid of a relationship! Why?

I've known this girl since 7th grade. I took her to my junior prom and after that we started to feel some chemistry. We've kissed on 2 separate occasions, and I know she likes me. However, whenever I feel like we are...
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Why did a guy tell me his last fiance passed away and he is over it?

I went on 5 dates with a guy I really like - who on our last date said he had a fiance who passed away - I said I was sorry for his loss, but he said he was over it why did he bring her up? All we do is kiss but he has...
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Guys...I kissed my prom date... he is my friend and it looks like he doesn't care.. why?

so I've known this guy for a while, like 2 years now...we've been good friends, not best friends but good ones and I always liked him I thought he was hot and I still like him we share a lot of interests in music... etc...
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Girl kisses me one day, wants to be friends the next?

So I met someone through friends, asked for her number and we've gone out alone for the past 5 weeks. It's usually been dinner followed by hours of just talking. We get along great, share a lot of interests, etc....
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When a girl says It's not you, it's me?

I'm very confused and heart broken... I'm 25 and met a girl who is 22 we are both single and both decided to start hanging out to get to know each other... she started showing me a lot of affection through text by calling...
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Ok so if we "never dated", what is his problem?!

This just bugs me! I was with this guy for a long time. We did everything couples do but we never did kiss or anything -- never, not once. I think honestly we were both shy but we always said I love you and everything....
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Why do a lot of girls settle for less than what they deserve? It's as easy as just MOVING ON!

Why? A lot of times you see a girl that is worth much more than her BF. She could have any guy she wants... But she settles for less... A lot of times, you see a beautiful girl with a lame Boyfriend or a loser that...
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He said he likes me so why is he ignoring me?

Basically there's this guy and we've been friends for 5 years, I've always had a crush on him but never had the guts to tell him until he kissed me at a party a year and a half ago - at which time I was at uni, nothing...
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Why don't guys ever like me back?

Ever since high school no guy has ever liked me back. So far I've been rejected by like 7 or 8 guys. I'm 18 years old and still don't have a boyfriend and never been kissed. I started liking this new guy. In person he'd...
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Do guys like chubby girls?

I am chubby and never had a boyfriend. I am pretty but a lot of guys I have ever had an interest in has hurt me. Guys have said that I would end up being a spinster. Girls have told me I would never be pretty enough to...
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Why would a guy hide his feelings towards a girl he likes?

There is a male friend of mine whom I met in my tution 2 years ago. Since some months we have been close as a friend. Whenever I asked him to meet me, he came and I did mention the term as "date". So basically I could...
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My friends with benefits bought me a gift. Why did he behave this way?

So I've met up with him. He gave me a hug and kissed me. And had the gift in his hand. So he asked me what I'm doing this weekend as he wants us to go book a room like we always do. And we just talked and he is like :'You...
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Why does my best guy friend treat me like his girlfriend, but says we're just friends?

My best friend and I have been friends for a long time now, and recently he started showing affection towards me and acting like we’re dating. We’re very comfortable with each other and I mean REALLY comfortable. We would...
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My crush and I spent the night with each other and, went out to eat, but he has a girlfriend, what should I do?

Ok, so I first met my crush at an assembly at the beginning of the school year, I pretty much just walked up to him and got his number. We text each other a little during the first semester, and we revealed a lot about...
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My best friend's brother just kissed me and I have no idea what to do.

Yesterday I was over at my best friends house and we were both getting ready to go out. I was complaining that I looked terrible when her brother walked by and overheard. He is really sexy and almost everyone of our...
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Guys, Why text a girl then send short replies?

I met this older guy he's 42 and he's a wealthy guy, always busy, always working he's a really popular realtor in the area and has joint custody of an 11 yr old daughter. So his sched is full. We met at my uncles Labor...
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