Ever Been Bullied? This Is For You.


I'll start with a little backstory:

I used to be a nice, shy, quiet, and passive aggressive little girl. I was tall for my age, as a child I was VERY tall, and skinny. I wasn't strong either, I was very weak. All this basically meant I was an incredibly easy target for bullies. I never stood up for myself. I admit it, I was bullied since 4th grade. I was made fun of, called all types of names, spit on, stuff stolen, stuff misplaced and broken, hit, beat up, and even slammed face-first into a locker so someone could get my combo. I admit I, I had a shitty childhood full of running home to avoid being beat up. My family just expected me to fight back, and were horrified to find out I wasn't a fighter. They assumed locking me outside would force me to fight and were disappointed when they would finally unlock the door to me with a bloody, bruised, and teary face. I also, harshly, learned they couldn't be relied on. My cousin tried, and failed, at teaching me to fight. All hope was lost until I finally just snapped my sophomore yr.

After that, I changed a lot. I realized I was so sick and tired of being made fun of and hurt. I began to talk back and embarrassed myself a few times before getting good at it. I began to not give a fuck, began to talk shit, learned to threaten off bullies, and basically toughen up. Now, literally three short years later, I am almost unrecognizable. I am tougher than I used to be. I am a lot stronger, as I now go to the gym regularly and take Jiu-Jitsu classes when I have free time. I talk back, talk shit, and threaten with ease. Wanna call me names? Great, I'll rate you on how good and creative you are and let you know if I've heard it before. Wanna make fun of me, good luck making me feel hurt buddy. I've been called everything from buck-toothed to n** to faggot to tranny to satanic demon (this one actually had me laughing) and other stupid names. Try hitting me, there's a fight. Simple.

I also got even with a few. I got even with a girl who tormented me based on my hair. Ended up flirting with her cause she thought I was a guy and made her feel like SHIT when she realized who I was. Another guy got his ass beat when he started coming at me sideways on facebook, thinking I was the same little bitch who moved away. When I saw him, I beat the shit out of him. Then took some money from him cause I was hungry and he got in my way while I was trying to get to White Castle. Another girl I made cry, talked shit about her whole damn bloodline, one girls relationship I ruined, flirted with her girlfriend (hell I knew they were together). Some guy I got his girlfriend to dump him based on some old dirt... Oh yes, I ruined relationships, reputations, and faces when they come at me thinking I'm not gonna fight back!

So basically, I learned to grow tougher. If you were, or are as we speak, being bullied then this Take is all for you. I'll give a few tips I learned along to way to deflect these irrelevant assholes.

Step 1: Stop giving a shit

Ever Been Bullied? This Is For You.

If there's one thing I learned from bullies, it's feeling the hurt fuels them. They love knowing it hurts you and makes you feel bad. For some reason I can't seem to find, they get a weird enjoyment from it. I guess I qualify as a bully for ruining a few relationships and reputations, but I call it getting even. Anyway, they like it. Like knowing you get annoyed, you actually care, you want them to stop. If you can show them that you really give less than 1/68ths of a fuck about their bullshit, they get bored and leave. Unfortunately, they mostly move on to a more vulnerable target. But at least you're left alone.

Step 2: Sarcasm annoys them

Ever Been Bullied? This Is For You.

Another thing I've learned is that they get really annoyed with sarcastic replies. Example: A girl was making fun of me because I didn't give my then-boyfriend head, wasn't and still isn't that type of person to give you that just cause we dating, nor do I expect it. Anyway I told her I'd rather be a virgin while young then a ho before I'm 18. She said, are you serious? Me: Nooooo, nononononooo. Of course not darling! pshhh, no! Why on earth would I call you a hoho booboo? Well, she wasn't happy I called her a ho and she got pissed with my tone and annoyed and left me alone. The next time she tried me, I responded with even more sarcasm than before, just to piss her off. Basically, that tone really annoys them. It's like they think they have you, then realize, "Oh shit, they don't care and NOW they're being a smartass about it." But some might wanna get physical which leads me to...

Step 4: Make the gym your friend

Ever Been Bullied? This Is For You.

Workout! Exercise! Join karate and jiu-jitsu classes! Get strong! Trust me, it's possible even for the skinny weak one to get stronger. I am walking proof. But seriously, a bully will NOT fuck with someone who is too strong for them. They'll see you, start walking thinking "okay, got one", you flex or show them you're not weak, they leave knowing they'll get they ass kicked if they even try you. Show them you're not a free meal basically, you're 5* course and not easy to get to (weird compare, but I was hungry while typing this).

Step 5: Confidence and Self-Esteem

Ever Been Bullied? This Is For You.

This picture is both funny and an accurate representation of what I want to see from you. I want to see you be that brave cat walking pass all those bigger "scary" dogs. The dogs are the bullies, the cat is you. The puddle is just a puddle. But basically, have confidence. No bully wants to see someone who can look them in the eye and say, "Okay, so what the fuck is it you want again?" Cause now they actually have to try with you.

Also be brave and have some self-esteem. They used to call me a skinny bitch. Now when they say skinny bitch, I say "And you a big bitch, you're point?" Wanna call me a little n**, I smile and say, "I believe the term you're looking for is 'nigga', a hood term. 'Nigger' is what idiotic white people with no noticeable qualities call black people." Want to call me a faggot or a queer or a tranny? I laugh and say, "Come up with something new, asshole!" I don't see myself as anything people call me, I see myself as a handsome, young, and getting-there-but-not-yet-strong black male. Call me WHATEVER you want, not like you're opinion matters. As for the rest of you? Have that mentality. People will forever talk shit about you until the very memory of you is gone. Don't waste the time you have alive being hurt by what they have to say, cause at the end of the day that doesn't change who you are. Don't waste your life trying to please people who won't be a part of the real you.

Thats basically my little bit of help and advice I have. I know adults get bullied, and I urge you to take their hands and escort them back the jr. high. In the meantime, to the victims here, keep your head up and high show them you're a challenge.

If you have anything negative to say, how about you just not say anything and shut the fuck up cause that shits just unnecessary. Coming on JUST to say something negative, like you have nothing else better to say.

Ever Been Bullied? This Is For You.
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