Let It Go and Move On: Here's Why?


There will come a point in life - whether we like it or not - when we will have to bid farewell and part ways with someone. It could be anyone. It could be your ex, your friend, or just anyone in between.

I always love this saying that someone wrote it on a bookmark and gave it to me. It says "As strangers we met, as friends we part". Well, of course, we don't always managed to say goodbye as friends. But, sometimes, I really wish I could.

Sometimes, we just tend to hold onto people purely because we've known them for too long and it's hard to let them go. We grow complacent with people once we are comfortable with them. But sometimes, things are better if it's left as mere memories. Hold on to and cherish the memories, but, move forward. Be thankful for whatever lessons that friendship or relationship brought you and taught you.

Let It Go and Move On : Here's Why?

Here are the reasons why you should let go of the people that no longer play an important part in your life.

1. If you're the only one fighting to make it work out

β€’ Honestly, there's no point if you waste your time, effort and love on someone that doesn't appreciate it. Think about whether it's worth it if you're the only one that's putting in effort to make things work out. Someone that truly loves you will never allows you to invest in disproportionate effort. Find someone who appreciates and acknowledges everything you've done and will do. Don't waste your time on anything less.

2. If you simply can't agree on each other

β€’ It's hard to make a relationship work if you simply don't see eye to eye, if you can't ever see each other's points of view. If the only thing that you both can agree on is that neither of you can agree on each other, I suggest that it's time to walk away. In many friendships that I've encountered, people come together through their lack of similarities and their differences. Thus, it can work. But if you found out that it's a source of your disputes and tensions, just get out.

Let It Go and Move On: Here's Why?

3. The trust and loyalty isn't there anymore

β€’ Trust and loyalty are two things that comes hand in hand. They are the foundation of any friendship and relationship. Find someone with whom you can share your darkest secret with and knowing that even after you walk away, their lips will always remain sealed. Find someone whose faithfulness to you is unquestionable because their actions gives you a peace of mind, not their empty promises.

4. If the friendship or relationship is damaging to you

β€’ If someone is putting you down, competing with you, not paying adequate attention to you, abusing you, making you question yourself, belittling you or just simply isn't caring about you, remove the negativity from your life as soon as possible. Respect yourself enough to be able to walk away. We must not allow ourselves to be used to being treated far less than what we really deserve.

Let It Go and Move On: Here's Why?

These are just a few of the many reasons why you should let it go and move on. Another reason why we're holding on and isn't able to move on is - fear. There's so many types of fear. There's the fear of being alone; the fear of someone using our darkest and deepest secret to blackmail us; the fear of regret once someone is gone.

Let It Go and Move On: Here's Why?

Whatever comes, let it come. Whatever stays, let it stay. Whatever goes, let it go.

It is never easy to move on from a relationship or a friendship. Sometimes, it's a matter of accepting that it takes time to let go, rather than holding onto something that cannot be brought back, or was lost a long time ago, or, was never really there at all. It's difficult to hold onto someone or something in life, but just remember that, you're destined to meet different people along the journey of life. Everyone that enters your life will be a lesson learned and memories made.

Let It Go and Move On: Here's Why?
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