Why the "Free the Nipple" movement is just another example of extremist stupidity


1) Having women cover their breasts is not a double standard, its simply acknowledging the fact that men and women have different anatomy. Equal is not the same as identical. 3+3=6. 2+4=6.

2) Since men's pecs are just as arousing to women as women's breasts are to men, I think we should actually go back to making both sexes cover their chests. If you look at the really old men's swimsuits, they look a lot like modern women's one-pieces; the only reason things changed was basically because a bunch of meat-heads started protesting that they couldn't show off their full beauty.

3) I fail to see how making women cover their chests could possibly cause them any actual detriment whatsoever. Protesting this with the same energy and determination as the protests for voting rights or equal job opportunities is just stupid. "Well bras start to hurt after a while/ It's hard to find the right bra size/something about bras being inconveni-" Shaddup. Men's underwear is inconvenient, too. It easily and often bunches up on one side of our junk, and there's simply no subtle way of readjusting. And what kinds of underwear don't do that are so loose that they tend to fall down inside our pants.

Why the

And before anyone starts questioning why we should wear any clothes, I reccomend watching this video:

Also, clothes keep bugs out of our moist, sweaty folds, and it also keeps dirt and sand out of there when we sit down.

Why the "Free the Nipple" movement is just another example of extremist stupidity
23 Opinion