People in Africa are starving...How can you waste food?


People in Africa are starving.... how can you waste food?

'The African kids are starving... How could you waste food like that?' is a common analogy used to oppress people into finishing the remnants on their plates, leaving no leftovers in 'tribute' to the African kids. It's an analogy over used and warped.

The logic goes like this: you have food vs they don't have food. So you have to finish yours because you are more blessed and won't appear like a spoilt brat when there are people starving

Oh man, I understand the worry but seriously? The serving sizes are getting larger and larger in addition to the social pressure to eat more during festive seasons. It is almost impossible to finish eating everything when one's capacity is limited. IRONICALLY and sadly, just as half the world is starving, the other half is trying to lose weight. Does anyone else see a warped relationship going on here?

Just because I finish my food on the plate or lack thereof doesn't mean that the African kids are fed. In the same vein, just because I don't finish food doesn't mean they are fed either! This warped way of persuasion is translated similarly into the way we comfort people as well.

When we hear about the problems of others, somehow there's this need for us to be more pitiful (?)

A(friend): you know I had this aunt who was so overbearing ....
B: you know I had been sexually abused for all my life and my dad has cancer and my mom has walked out on us... So how can you even think your problem is huge?

See what I mean?
It's like saying just because someone has it worse, you cannot feel bad. Everyone has different problems in various aspects of their lives and someone is ALWAYS going to be better off or worse off than you. You are allowed to feel sad or frustrated or angry. It's only human. But don't think, for a second, that just because someone has it better off or worse off you are not permitted to feel a certain way. Don't allow your emotion to be swayed by others and just follow your heart. Of course, dwelling too much on the bad won't help either. Isn't it absurd that society has conditioned us to feel certain emotions or behave in a certain manner to feel accepted?

It doesn't work that way. We are all entitled to feel, in ways however we want. Don't get guilt-tripped or emotionally exploited by people.

People in Africa are starving...How can you waste food?
10 Opinion