How Facebook is Ruining Lives


How Facebook is Ruining Lives

Constantly checking Facebook

If you have a facebook account then it is likely that you check for notifications literally every passing hour. That's how addicting it is, we as humans love surprises, we like to explore and see new things. That's just how humans are. Facebook works in a similar way, everytime you get a new notification you can't just help but check it out even if it's complete irrelevant. With the invention of smartphones and tablets along with dedicated apps it's even harder not to do this.

Facebook is not real life

People on facebook are not who they are in real life. You may have come across really good looking people or rather good looking pictures but you have to understand that these pictures were taken in under good lightning and immaculate poses. Then there is the fact that some people on facebook might be using fake profiles to do who knows what. Then there is the thing about personalities, there is no way in hell that you can judge a persons personality on facebook by chatting with them. For all you know the the sweet handsome guy your chatting with could turn out to be a total psychopath in real life. What I'm trying simply trying to say it is very easy to put on a facade when your sitting behind a computer screen.

Letting strangers into your lives

Most people on facebook tend to have at least over a hundred friends on their list. Lets look at it this way if a complete stranger came up to you on the street and asks to be your friend, would you just go and say yeah sure lets be friends. Now some people might say this is a different case since just because you accepted their request or added them on facebook doesn't mean they have access to your life but that's where your wrong. Facebook pretty much allows people to list all of their hobbies, interests and information ranging from email addresses to the location of your workplace. Depending on your privacy settings anyone on your friend list can have access to all of this information.

Stalking on Facebook

Stalkers are one of the biggest problems in social media. You can literally Google someone's name and find out who they are in 10 seconds flat. You can't believe how many people there are that are so obsessed with other people that they literally spend all their time following what they do. We end up 'stalking' our exes, scavenging through their pictures and getting an insight into their current lives.


Whoever would have thought that cyber bullying could become such a big problem. It's hard to believe one can actually bully someone online by using just a couple of words but unfortunately it's true. Obviously threatening or demeaning people with texts isn't the only way to bully someone. People can post humiliating pictures or videos of someone in order to make them feel insecure. If you have a profile picture up then one can easily photoshop it and do all kinds of crazy shit to it like paste it on someone else's body or giving you a makeover, for all you know you could end up being the next big meme and the buttcrack of everyone's joke.

Losing track of reality

Chatting online can be addicting. In fact it can be so addicting that one could easily forget how to actually have a conversation in real life. This problem inflicts thousands of teenagers around the world. A lot of teenagers spend so much time talking with people online that they can't even find the time to have a decent conversation with their parents.

Basing self worth on likes and comments

I think pretty much everyone knows how some people are obsessed with getting likes and comments on their pictures. In fact a lot of people base their self image on this very thing.

Everyone adores celebrities but why? The simple answer is fame and popularity. Humans crave these status. To make yourexistence known to the world is an inherent instinct embedded within every human being. This is nothing new really - scientists, prophets, religious figures, kings and leaders have been doing it since the beginning of mankind. But getting likes and comments is a terrible way to improve your self worth. How did your post get zero "likes"? It can devastate you when something you thought was witty or cute gets ignored by everyone. Getting less likes than someone else might make you think that your not as important as him or her.

Being left out

Getting left out sucks. When everyone you know gets tagged in a picture or a video and you weren't, it can make you think that they don't care about you.

How come they're all hanging out? Why didn't they invite you? Who arranged it? Did they deliberately snub you? These feelings are no different than when getting left out at the playing ground or not being picked for a team sport.

How Facebook is Ruining Lives
37 Opinion