The Disillusionment of White Millennial Men on Race and Gender


I've been noticing more and more lately that the affects of post-modern society have been taking affect on the West's youth. Most specifically white men. I am speaking about this from personal experience as well as first-hand experience. I'm going to cover topics that include: the causation for the disillusionment of men and how it affects us regarding sex, the causation for the disillusionment of men and how it affects us in terms of race as well. This will be rather lengthy so strap yourselves in.


Causation: Feminism

Feminism. Where do we even start? Well firstly by stating that the core idea of feminism is that men hold women down and keep them from reaching their full potentials, aka "patriarchy." Thus, many feminists hold resentment for men because of a delusional theory that somehow simply being born as a man means you will succeed in life while being born as a woman means you will inevitably fail. There will be plenty of "moderate feminists" who defend this claim and say that feminism is really about equality Feminism is taught today in public schools all over the US, some places worse than others. Furthermore, it was originally in the 70s when 2nd wave feminists rallied and protested and allowed many women to enter the workforce, ultimately ending the times of when women put being housewives first.

Causation: Porn and the Sex Industry

The Disillusionment of White Millennial Men on Race and Gender

I'm definitely going to catch flak for this from men, but let's be honest: Watching execesive porn is bad for you.

"Kuhn and Galinat’s evidence suggests that it might: The men who had watched more porn had smaller volume in the striatum, a region of the brain’s reward network... The men who watched the most porn also had less activity in the striatum when viewing pictures of naked women. Since porn is, presumably, rewarding, the link between striatum size and time watching porn could mean that repeated exposure dulls the reward circuitry’s response to pleasure."

Of course, this is from regular usage of pornography. Looking at it every once in a while won't hurt you. Also, watching too much porn has been known to give men unrealistic expectations of the women they meet in real life. If you are an average looking guy that jerks off to models everyday, average looking women (the women who you would be able to date) are suddenly not good looking enough for your attention. This obviously will cause disparities in your relationships.


Aftermath: Abandonement of Family Values and Relationships

The Disillusionment of White Millennial Men on Race and Gender

MGTOW is the movement for men that is a direct result of feminism specifically. Many MGTOWs will say that they have given up on the concept of intimate relationships due to being hosed over in a bad divorce, which is perfectly understandable. But what about the men who have never been married before? They believe that women offer nothing of value in terms of marriage, that men are still expected to be chivalrous gentlemen but women can do whatever they want. Many even dislike women for this. It's not worth the trouble because there is so little reward. This is resulting in a generation of men who are happy bachelours and women that are growing impatient waiting to settle down.

"Seventy percent of American males between the ages of 20 and 34 are not married... After decades of feminism, Crouse noted that young men are now the ones who set the parameters for intimate relationships, and those increasingly do not include a wedding ring."

Aftermath: Traditionalism

The Disillusionment of White Millennial Men on Race and Gender

Traditionalism is an alternate, less popular reaction to feminism and postmodernism. Traditonalists emphasize the importance of religion and morals in society to fight the error of modern culture. Traditionalists are pro-family and pro-marriage but many of them feel that feminism has ruined a generation of women and there is no hope for them to find a wife that has similar values to theirs. These young men are not the average "turn the other cheek Christians" that you meet at church every Sunday, they only accept the original forms of their faith. They are mostly Catholics and Orthodox Christians, there are Protestants as well but due to the nature of their beliefs, Protestants are 2nd-class. The best way to describe these people is to think of a radical 3rd wave feminist and then imagine the exact opposite. It is also worth noting that MGTOWs and Traditionalists are not very fond of each other.



Causation: European Migrant Crisis

The Disillusionment of White Millennial Men on Race and Gender

The migrant crisis has been going on for years, but it has only recently hit the mainstream due to the photo of the drowned Syrian boy (who was actually from Turkey). In Sweden the number of rapes has increased 500% since they have taken in so many immigrants from 3rd world countries.

"In 2003, Sweden's rape statistics were higher than average at 9.24, but in 2005 they shot up to 36.8 and by 2008 were up to 53.2. Now they are almost certainly even higher as Muslim immigrants continue forming a larger percentage of the population."

Meanwhile In Germany, it is being noted that they are importing almost the same number of immigrants from Asia and Africa as native Germans are born in a year. If Germany wants to stay German then this is completely unsustainable. "465,000 newcomers moved to the country in 2013" but in Germany, during the year 2013, only 682,000 Germans were born.

Causation: Whites Being Targetted for Violent Crimes by Non-Whites

I'm also going to loop in the Ferguson and Baltimore riots with this one. Slavery ended 150 years ago, Civil rights was 50 years ago. So what's the deal? Most Americans are considerably not racists, but how much can you take before you lose it? I've grown up all around this, watching it happen, how do you expect someone like me to have a postitve worldview when everyday on my local 5 o'clock news there is more black on black shootings, armed robberies, rapes, and hit and runs and I've been seeing that everyday since I knew what was going on. Here are some stats for you folks:

Total Murders committed by blacks in 2011: 2925
Total Murders committed by whites in 2011: 2823

White victims of black murderers: 448
Black victims of white murderers: 193

Murdering rate for blacks 7.1 / 100,000
Murdering rate for whites 1.1 / 100,000

Victimhood rate for blacks 6.7 / 100,000
Victimhood rate for whites 1.3 / 100,000
Raw Data used:

Causation: Race Baiting/Anti-White Media

The Disillusionment of White Millennial Men on Race and Gender

It seems to become common in mainstream media to attack white people for being white. It is normal to claim that racism is rampant in the US yet minorities today have it better than any of their ancestors ever did. During the George Zimmerman trial over the murder of Trayvon Martin, the media relentlessly reported that Trayvon Martin, an innocent black boy, had been murdered by an evil white man named George Zimmerman. But let's look at a picture of George, shall we?

The Disillusionment of White Millennial Men on Race and Gender

Does he look white to you? To me he looks like a Latino-American. The media was looking for anything to get their hands on to make Geroge Zimmerman look worse, and get their station more ratings. This relentless propaganda-like campaign resulted in civil unrest when Zimmerman was not found guilty of manslaughter.

Aftermath: Racism

The Disillusionment of White Millennial Men on Race and Gender

Kind of a given, isn't it? This may be the first time that an upcoming generation is more conservative than their parents and especially grandparents. Like I said earlier, you can't grow up around all this bad stuff happening and come out of it with a positive worldview. Life just doesn't work like that. Many racists that I know personally, are of the opinion that not all non-whites are bad but the majority of them are. They think that we should stop trying to accomadate them into our society and just leave them alone to deteriotate. Racial tension in the US is only rising, and it's not going to get better until it gets worse. Not really much to say about this other than people just dislike other races more.

Aftermath: Obsession with Homogenous Authoritarian Cultures

The Disillusionment of White Millennial Men on Race and Gender

These indivuduals really only exist in what are referred to as "alt-right" circles. Alt-right is basically a blanket term for anyone who is not a typical conservative. I think obsession with these types of plaes, especially Nazi Germany, is intended to fulfill desires created by lack of strong leadership in the Government or any other faucet of life. The Nazis were certainly impressive, and scary if I'm to be honest. But this is usually an admiration of their strength and will-power taken too far. If you want to understand the appeal of it better, go onto the internet and listen to one Adolf Hitler's speeches. They are very powerful and moving, no matter what he is saying. Watch videos of Wehrmacht soldiers fighting and marching, they have a certain profesionalism about them that just makes even the average German soldier extremely intimidating.

So in conclusion: Everything is fucked up and only getting worse

The Disillusionment of White Millennial Men on Race and Gender
23 Opinion