How Do Arab Girls Look Like "Under Their Burka"

After seeing the ignorance and stereotypes surrounding Arab women and the Arab world in general I decided to create this myTake and share some pictures of Beautiful Arab celebrities.

How do Arab Girls look like

First off, let me start by pointing out that not all the Arabs or people coming from Arab countries (this distinction was made on purpose) are Muslim. In fact there are millions of Christians living in the Arab world especially in Egypt, Lebanon as-well as significant minorities of Christian Syrians, Iraqis and Palestinians (About 10% of Palestinians are Christian).

After this distinction has been made, another point has to be clarified, even Muslim Arab women don’t always wear the Burqa, in fact nowadays they RARELY DO (The Burqa and Niquab are mainly prevalent in the gulf Arab countries and especially in Saudi Arabia and still, not all Saudi women wear the full coverage and many younger Saudi women just wear the Hijab).

The Arab world regroups 22 countries and almost 400 Million people which basically means lots of different mixtures and looks (different shades of skin color/eye color/hair color and texture...)

The Arab world is usually divided into 5 groups:

Maghreb (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Mauritania), Levant (Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Palestine), Egypt and Sudan, the Arabian Peninsula or Gulf states (Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iraq, Bahrein, Kuwait, Oman and Qatar) and finally Comoros, Djibouti and Somalia ( I put this in finally because even though they’re part of the Arab league there is a big debate on whether or not the following countries are considered Arab but I don’t want to get into this).

So without further due, here are some pictures of famous women from the Arab world

1. Levant ( Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan)

Beauties from lebanon

How Do Arab Girls Look Like "Under Their Burka"

Beauties from Syria and Jordan (1,2,3 from Syria and 4 from Jordan)

How Do Arab Girls Look Like "Under Their Burka"

Beauties from Palestine (Model Gigi Hadid on the far right is half Palestinian from her father's side)

How Do Arab Girls Look Like "Under Their Burka"

2. Maghreb ( Morooco, Algeria, Tunisia, Lybia, Morooco)

Beauties From Morooco and Algeria (1,2,3 Morooco, 4 Algeria)

How Do Arab Girls Look Like "Under Their Burka"

Beauties From Tunisia

How Do Arab Girls Look Like "Under Their Burka"

3. Gulf (Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iraq, Bahrein, Kuwait, Oman and Qatar)

1 from Yemen, 2,3 and 4 from Saudi Arabia

How Do Arab Girls Look Like "Under Their Burka"

4. Egypt

How Do Arab Girls Look Like "Under Their Burka"

How Do Arab Girls Look Like "Under Their Burka"
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