10 Realistic New Year's Resolutions


As I said on my previous myTake, we always have the illusion that the new year will be much better than the old one. But why would that happen if we remain the same we were the year before?

Also, some people make unrealistic new year's resolutions that they're never able to keep. I believe that the key to a better New Year is to be honest about who we truly are and how we can realistically improve our lives.

This is a list of 10 things that I believe can make our lives better and happier, and New Year is a great time to take them into account, since we're all a bit more insightful. So here they go:

1. Stop Dreaming And Start Planning

10 Things To Take Into Account For The New Year

Dreaming is ok, but it doesn't take you too far if you don't take any actions to fullfill your dreams. If there's something you dream of strongly, make a realistic plan to go for it.

2. Don't Be Afraid To Change

10 Realistic New Year's Resolutions

Sticking to a plan to fullfill a dream implies you'll have to face some challenges. And in order to beat those challenges you'll have to be prepared to change, because some of those challenges will require a different version of you: you'll have to do things you've never done before, see things in ways you never did before, and none of this can be accomplished by staying the same. Change it's a challenge itself.

3. Acknowledge Your Mistakes

10 Realistic New Year's Resolutions

Mistakes are not a sin, they're just an inherent part of human beings. The faster we acknowledge them, the faster we can improve ourselves: life is not about being perfect, life is about learning, and mistakes are some of our best teachers. So don't hate your mistakes, don't punish yourself for your errors: you're just a human being living your life and trying to make it better. Likewise, be kind to those who make mistakes: they're humans, just like you.

4. Learn The Power Of Words

10 Realistic New Year's Resolutions

Words are tools we have for communicating with each other. As every other tool, they can be used correctly or incorrectly: with words we can do so much good, but we can also hurt. Choosing the right words in the right moment can make a huge difference.

5. Raise Your Voice

10 Realistic New Year's Resolutions

I don't mean you have to shout lol, I mean you need to have your own opinions, be proud of them and let them be heard, even if some people don't like them... because some people for sure won't. But if you strongly believe in something, have a voice and raise it! And never forget to voice your opinions respectfully: that will make you powerful.

6. Be Honest: Be Yourself

10 Realistic New Year's Resolutions

Being honest is one of the most important things you can do, both for others and for yourself, because it makes you trustworthy, and because it makes you confident by keeping you true to yourself. Honesty is one of the highest values in life: it allows us to trust one another, even if the truth is not particularly pleasant to everyone.

7. Love Your Body & Take Care Of It

10 Realistic New Year's Resolutions

Your body is what allows you to be alive. The healthier it is, the better you feel. So feed your body with healthy food, at least more often than not; do some exercise, and don't try to make your body fit into the social standards of beauty because you end up putting yourself into a lot of unnecessary stress. Just love it as it is and make sure it's healthy.

8. Laugh Out Loud

10 Realistic New Year's Resolutions

Laughing is ESSENCIAL to a happy life. Not only does it trigger endorphines and dopamine, crucial neurotrasmitters for emotional well-being, but it also creates stronger bonds among people sharing the laughter.

9. Appreciate What You Have.

10 Realistic New Year's Resolutions

We're always craving for more, and that's also inherent to human beings. But! We sometimes forget to appreciate what we already have and what we have already accomplished. That doesn't mean that wanting more is bad, it only means that you'll only be able to be happy if you cherish what you do have, because otherwise.. why would you want more if you're not going to appreciate it when you have it?

10. Keep This Attitude Througout The Year.

It's no use to start a plan, laugh out loud, be honest, and raise your voice on Jan 1st and then forget about all these things on January 2nd. It's important that you keep your best attitude throughout the year, year after year. However, don't be harsh on yourself if you ever trip over and lie, if one day you don't feel like laughing, if some days you can't see what you have. Just make sure sooner than later you get back on track. Life is short.

10 Realistic New Year's Resolutions

<3 Thank you for reading! <3

10 Realistic New Year's Resolutions
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